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  • Vivaldi's Four Seasons Meets Bach's Masterpieces
    Vivaldi's Four Seasons Meets Bach's Masterpieces


罗马, 城内圣保罗教堂 (Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura) — Sala 1

点击查看座位图 自由选择座位  1 h 30 min  即时电子机票 作为灵活的礼品赠送


$ 66


"Opera in Roma "巴洛克管弦乐团和国际知名独奏家在城墙内的圣保罗教堂营造出一种特别的氛围。尤其是作品的选择,给人一种巴洛克时代音乐会的真实感!

欣赏 "罗马歌剧院 "巴洛克管弦乐团的演奏!


约翰-塞巴斯蒂安-巴赫的管风琴杰作 10 — 15 分钟时长 10 — 15 分钟
托卡塔C 大调托卡塔、前奏曲和赋格 BWV 564
D 小调托卡塔和赋格 BWV 565
D 大调前奏曲和赋格 BWV 532
降E大调前奏曲和赋格 BWV 552
g 小调幻想曲和赋格 BWV 542
b 小调前奏曲和赋格 BWV 544
Passacaglia et Thema fugatum BWV 582

Aria — Gavotta I and II — Giga from Orchestral Suite 3 in D Major BWV 1068.

Antonio VivaldiApproxduration 45minutes
The Four Seasons:
E大调第一协奏曲,作品8,RV 269,"春"(La primavera)
Largo e pianissimo sempre
Allegro pastorale (in E major)
Concerto No.G 小调第二协奏曲,作品 8,RV 315,"夏日"(L'estate)
Allegro non molto
Adagio e piano — Presto e forte
F 大调第三协奏曲,作品 8,RV 293,"夏日"(L'estate) 8, RV 293, 'Autumn' (L'autunno)
Adagio molto
Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op. 8, RV 297, 'Winter' (L'inverno)
Allegro non molto





小号:Flavio D' Antonio
小提琴独奏:Francesco Malatesta/ Soichi Ichigawa
第一小提琴:Roberta Palmigiani/Fusta Sparasci
第二小提琴:Valentina Macioti/Francesco Malatesta
大提琴:Enrico Peluso/Flavio Malatesta
中提琴:Orazio Vicari/Alessandra Monacelli
钹和风琴:Stefano Vasselli

Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura

The 'Church of St. Paul within the Walls' was the first non-Catholic church built in Rome after Italy's unification. The church was built between 1873 and 1880 as an Anglican Basilica in the district of Castro Pretorio, Via Nazionale, Rome. Constructed in the Gothic Revival style, the distinctive external facade is characterised by alternating red and limestone bricks. Four spectacular mosaics by the English pre-Raphaelite Edward Burne-Jones, in collaboration with William Morris, are the crowning glory of the church's interior. The eagle-eyed will spot several famous nineteenth-century figures among those representing the fathers of the church in the elaborate mosaics, among them the artist himself, notable donors and their families, and Abraham Lincoln, Giuseppe Garibaldi and General Grant among the 'Christian Warriors'. Many delightful classical events are hosted in this location, including performances of popular operas like La Traviata.

Johann Sebastian Bach

The name Bach and the word musician had long been synonyms in Germany as the world saw 56 musicians from this kin. But it was Johann Sebastian Bach, a genius composer and virtuoso organ player, who shed lustre on his family name. He was born on th 31st of March 1685 in Eisenach, a small town in Thuringia. At the age of 10 he became an orphan and was brought up by his elder brother Johann Christoph, who was an organist in a neighbouring town. His brother was the one to teach music to the young Johann Sebastian. Later he moved to Luneburg where he attended a church school and mastered the techniques of playing violin, viola, piano and organ by the age of 17. Besides that, Bach was a choir singer and later after his voice broke he became a chanter’s assistant. In 1703 Bach was hired as a court musician in the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III. He earned such a good reputation there that he was later invited to Arnstadt to be an organist at the New Church, where he wrote his best organ works. In 1723 he moved to Leipzig to be a chantor at St. Thomas Church where he stayed until his death of a stroke in 1750. In the year of his death he had undergone unsuccessful eye surgery which lead him to lose his eyesight. During that strenuous time his second wife Anna Magdalena helped him to write his last musical pieces. Bach’s artistic legacy is vast. He created compositions in all genres of the time: oratorias, cantatas, masses, motets, music for organ, piano and violin.

Antonio Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi went down in history as a creator of the instrumental concert genre and the father of orchestral music. He was born in Venice on the 4th of March 1678. Vivaldi was a weak and sickly child suffering from asthma, however could not stop him from devoting himself completely to music. His father, Giovanni Batista a professional violinist, taught his elder son Antonio to play the violin. With his father young Antonio met the best musicians of Venice of that time and gave concerts in local churches. He also worked as a violin teacher and later as a music director at the orphanage Ospedalle della Pieta. Meanwhile he composed concertos, sacred works and vocal music and in 1713 he achieved great recognition with his sacred choral music. Vivaldi got captivated by the world of opera and worked both as opera composer and impresario at the Teatro San Angelo. In 1717 he obtained a prestigious position by the prince court in Manua as a director of secular music and worked there until around 1720. During that time he composed his world-renowned masterpiece The Four Seasons. In the 1730's his career dwindled as his music became unfashionable and the great composer died in poverty. It took the world two centuries to rediscover and reevaluate Vivaldi’s music, as it was buried into oblivion after his death. In the early 20th century many previously unknown works were found and immediately captured the hearts of the music lovers.


4.2 of 5

  • MARCOS A, Brazil

    07月 2024年

    Nice performance!

  • Konstantinos V, Greece

    03月 2024年

    We had a great evening. The the selected pieces were very well performed and the church was also very nice.

  • Maria Rosaria T, Italia

    03月 2024年

    Un'interpretazione favolosa, coinvolgente. Tutti i componenti sono stati bravissimi, un plauso particolare al pianista e soprattutto al primo violino. Esperienza da ripetere.

  • 08月 2022年

    Excelent performance ???

  • Lucile A, Suisse

    03月 2019年

    Splendid !!!

  • Dominique C, Belgique

    03月 2019年

    Tres belle soirée

  • Cristian C, Italia

    12月 2018年

    Esperienza sublime, ho rivissuto i capolavori di bach al meglio, estasiato dalla bravura lirica di lady mariangela. Vivaldi rappresentato al meglio, la mia signora si è commossa non riuscendo a mantenere l'emozione. In fine, le pennette all'arrabbiata hanno rappresentato al meglio la tradizione romana, esaltando il nostro palato. Grazie per l'esperienza.

  • Heiko R, Italien

    10月 2018年

    Die Abwicklung hat reibungslos funktioniert. Ich kann Classictic nur empfehlen. Danke.

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城内圣保罗教堂 (Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura), Via Nazionale 16a, 罗马, 意大利 — 查看谷歌地图

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