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威尼斯, 圣玛丽亚教堂 — Main Hall

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$ 42


在维瓦尔第教堂(Chiesa della Pietà)聆听一场迷人的音乐会,将为您的威尼斯之行增色不少。您将沉浸在意大利著名乐团演奏的维瓦尔第代表作《四季》的永恒旋律中。在安东尼奥-维瓦尔第创作《四季》等最优美作品的地方,感受音乐的激情。探索威尼斯这块不为人知的宝地,与圣马可广场仅咫尺之遥,发现维瓦尔第不朽音乐背后的灵感源泉。

威尼斯建筑的辉煌典范--教堂(Chiesa della Pietà)为维瓦尔第巴洛克乐团迷人的旋律提供了完美的背景。在这场令人难忘的演出中,您将欣赏到维瓦尔第的经典作品,踏上四季变换的音乐之旅,并在威尼斯文化的发源地深入了解威尼斯文化的精髓。


室内乐乐团: Vivaldi Baroque Ensemble

Santa Maria della Pietà

The church of Santa Maria della Pietà, sometimes called 'della Visitazione', is a well-known church in Venice, Italy. At the time of building, between 1745 andl 1760, it sat adjacent to a hospital-orphanage called the 'Ospedale della Pietá', key to the the church's association with Vivaldi. Designed by Giorgio Massari, the building was not completed to his original plan, although this did not diminish its finished splendor. Above the entrance sits a large bas-relief created by Marsili in 1800, representing the virtue of Charity. The frescoed ceilings and presbytery were contributed by Tiepolo, depicting Peace, Strength and the Triumph of Faith, angelic musicians and theological virtues. Works by other great artists proliferate, including 'Jesus in Simon’s house' (1544) by Alessandro Bonvicino and paintings by Piazzetta, Giuseppe Angeli, Maggiotto, and Angelo Marinetti.


圣玛丽亚教堂, Riva degli Schiavoni 4150, 威尼斯, 意大利 — 查看谷歌地图

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