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在圣马克圣公会教堂 60 分钟内欣赏普契尼的精彩演出

佛罗伦萨, 圣马可英教堂 (St Mark's English Church) — Main Hall

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Ticket sale ends latest on 
$ 58


在这场音乐会中,您将欣赏到贾科莫-普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)的多部歌剧--《波希米亚人》(La Bohème)、《托斯卡》(Tosca)、《蝴蝶夫人》(Madama Butterfly)、《图兰朵》(Turandot)、《贾尼-斯基》(Gianni Schicchi)--中的精彩片段,这些歌剧都配有舞台和服装,并配有钢琴伴奏,讲述了普契尼的生平(1924 年去世,距今已有 100 年)以及咏叹调和二重唱的解说。


  • 吉亚卡摩·普契尼 – highlights from several of Giacomo Puccini's operas — La Bohème, Tosca, Madama Butterfly, Turandot, Gianni Schicchi


男中音: Ricardo Crampton
男高音: Tiziano Barontini
女高音: Lara Leonardi

St Mark's Anglican Church

Saint Mark's Anglican Church was established in 1881, constructed within a Neo-Renaissance Medici Palace once owned by Machiavelli. Rather austere in its exterior appearance, the church delights the eye with its rich interior. Ornate Venetian lamps and brass decorations hang from the archway before the grand white marble altar. Today, the church is an indispensable part of Florence’s cultural life, and a fitting tribute to Italy's national appreciation of arts and culture. It houses an opera company that regularly stages highly popular performances within the church. To see opera and listen to classical music in this church is a unique experience, as its stucture allows the viewers to sit close to the artists, and enjoy the magical atmosphere almost as if they were part of the show.

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini was an Italian opera composer of the late 19th century. He was considered one of the greatest composers of the Italian Opera, second only to Verdi. His early works were characterised by features of the traditional 19th century romantic Italian opera. Later, his style developed into the realistic verismo style, which inspired him to write his most famous masterpieces and became one of the leading exponents of the style. His most renowned works La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), and Turandot (1924), all are popular operas played in the most prestigious venues of the classical world.


圣马可英教堂 (St Mark's English Church), Via Maggio 18, 佛罗伦萨, 意大利 — 查看谷歌地图

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