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St. Blasius Church, Gotischer Saal, Salzburg style= St. Blasius Church, Gotischer Saal, Salzburg

St. Blasius

萨尔斯堡, 奥地利

The St Blasius Church, which is also known as the Hospital Church (Burgerspital Kirche) as it used to serve the civic hospital, was built from 1327 until 1350. It is the oldest gothic church in Austria. The outside of the St Blasius Church might be a bit austere compared with some of Salzburg´s other churches, inside the vaulted hall it certainly feels very old. There are some nice stained glass windows as well.


St. Blasius, Bürgerspitalgasse 2 (Getreidegasse), 5020 萨尔斯堡, 奥地利, 查看谷歌地图


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