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  • Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma
    Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma
  • Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma
    Auditorium Parco della Musica, Roma


罗马, 罗马音乐厅 (Auditorium Parco della Musica) — Sala Santa Cecilia

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$ 69


Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia 与指挥家兼钢琴家鲁道夫-布赫宾德 (Rudolf Buchbinder) 演出莫扎特钢琴协奏曲选段。


  • 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特 – Piano Concertos K595, K467, K466


乐团: 圣塞西莉亚国家科学院管弦乐团


安东尼奥-帕帕诺爵士自2005年以来一直担任圣塞西莉亚国家音乐学院管弦乐团的首席指挥。这种高度成功的合作使乐团参加了各种音乐节,如伦敦的Proms、卢塞恩和萨尔茨堡音乐节,以及阿姆斯特丹的Concertgebouw、柏林的Philharmonie和维也纳的Musikverein等音乐厅。乐团在罗马令人印象深刻的Parco della Musica礼堂拥有自己的家。

独奏家, 指挥, 钢琴家: Rudolf Buchbinder

鲁道夫·布赫秉德尔五岁时就被维也纳音乐学校(Vienna Musik Hochschule)录取 ,他是音乐学校历史上年龄最小的学生。 此后他的音乐演艺事业如日中天,他的音乐才华被世界乐友喜爱。他是萨尔斯堡音乐节(Salzburger Festspiele )的客座演奏家并经常参加很多其他重要音乐节。  

Auditorium Parco della Musica

Auditorium Parco della Musica is a music complex consisting of an outdoor theatre in a park setting and three indoor concert halls. Situated in Rome´s ancient city centre, where the Olympic Games were held in 1960, the complex is home to the famed Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. Designed by talented architects Franco Zagari, Renzo Piano, and Jürgen Reinhold, the complex has played a central role in Italian cultural life since its inauguration in 2002. The complex has an extensive program of chamber music concerts as well as pop, rock, jazz, theatrical and literary performances, cinema and art exhibitions.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Perhaps the most important composer of all time, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian composer of the late 18th century. Born in 1756 in Salzburg, he showed prodigious musical talent from childhood. Beginning at five years of age, he composed more than 600 works, including concertos, symphonies, religious works and operas before his premature death at the age of 35. Hi influence over successive generations cannot be overestated - Ludwig van Beethoven wrote of Mozart "posterity will not see such a talent again in 100 years”. Despite the immense success of his compositions, and the acclaim he received across Europe, Mozart achieved little financial security and rwas buried in an unmarked grave in Vienna's St Marx Cemetery.


罗马音乐厅 (Auditorium Parco della Musica), Viale Pietro de Coubertin 30 , 罗马, 意大利 — 查看谷歌地图

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