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维也纳, 圣彼得教堂 (Peterskirche) — Krypta

自由选择座位  2 h 30 min  即时电子机票 作为灵活的礼品赠送


$ 54



准备好见证将强烈的悲剧转变为歌剧杰作的《蝴蝶夫人》吧。这部强烈的歌剧室内剧由才华横溢的贾科莫-普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)创作,完美地捕捉了真挚的情感。普契尼对一切异域事物的好奇和对人性的深刻理解,激发了他创作这部永恒之美的歌剧的灵感。


作为奥地利最小的歌剧院,OPER in der KRYPTA 保证演出的真实性和质量。剧团对歌剧院的真诚承诺将确保您充分领略和认识作品的精髓。

美国中尉平克顿在日本度假期间与年轻的艺妓 Cio‐Cio‐San 缔结了婚姻,Cio‐Cio‐San 对他的爱是真诚的。领事夏普莱斯警告平克顿不要让女孩陷入不幸。她为他改变了宗教信仰,并受到家人的诅咒。她唯一的依靠就是她的新丈夫。
平克顿回到故乡已经三年了。然而,Cio‐Cio‐San 仍在她的小房子里忠实而耐心地等待着他。夏普利斯找到她,给她读了平克顿信中的内容。他已经娶了一个美国女人,并宣布他将和妻子一起访问日本。Cio‐Cio‐San 感到非常震惊,她介绍了他们的儿子,但没有人听说过他的名字。随后,一声炮响宣告了平克顿的船的到来。她满怀期待,希望丈夫能找到回来的路,她和仆人铃木用鲜花装饰着小房子。

次日清晨,平克顿带着夏普莱斯姗姗来迟。然而,当铃木去给乔乔山打电话时,她发现了乔乔山的美国妻子,并得知他们只是来领养他们的儿子,夏普莱斯已经把这件事告诉了他。平克顿胆小怕事,暂时不敢直面自己的妻子。当 Cio‐Cio‐San 看到这个陌生女人时,她意识到了可怕的真相。她同意把孩子交给孩子的父亲,并深情地告别了她的小宝贝。她用父亲的匕首自杀了,匕首上刻着 "让不能再体面地活着的人体面地死去",她记住了这句话。




  • 吉亚卡摩·普契尼 – Madama Butterfly


Cio‐Cio‐San:Katharina Gebauer
Suzuki: Cornelia Sonnleithner
Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton:Sergio Tallo‐Torres
Sharpless:Florian Pejrimovsky

音乐指导 — Ekaterina Nokkert


The Peterskirche (St Peter’s Church) is the second-oldest church in Vienna, founded around 800AD, if legend is to be believed. The present church was built in 1732 in the Baroque style, with Vienna's first baroque dome. Inspired by St Peter's Basilica in Rome, the interior is adorned with frescoes, sculptures, golden altarpieces and carved wood. Peterskirche is one of Vienna's busiest classical music venues, featuring a diverse program that includes daily organ concerts, operas, choral concerts and performances by prominent local and international artists. In addition to performances in the elegant main sanctuary, the Peterskirche also hosts concerts in the fascinating and intimate crypt below ground level.

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini was an Italian opera composer of the late 19th century. He was considered one of the greatest composers of the Italian Opera, second only to Verdi. His early works were characterised by features of the traditional 19th century romantic Italian opera. Later, his style developed into the realistic verismo style, which inspired him to write his most famous masterpieces and became one of the leading exponents of the style. His most renowned works La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), and Turandot (1924), all are popular operas played in the most prestigious venues of the classical world.


圣彼得教堂 (Peterskirche), Petersplatz, 维也纳, 奥地利 — 查看谷歌地图

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