Kiss Me, Kate: Komische Oper Berlin
Reimagine Cole Porter's beloved musical, Kiss Me, Kate: The Komische Oper Berlin presents director Barrie Kosky's glittering production, with the brilliant Dagmar Manzel in the starring role.
Dagmar Manzel shines in Cole Porter’s sensational Broadway hit about love and petty jealousies on and off stage. Barrie Kosky has himself described this techni‐coloured, sparkling show as a mixture of Who’s afraid Virginia Woolf? and The Muppets.
In German, with German, English, French, and Turkish subtitles.
Musical direction, Koen Schoots
Staging, Barrie Kosky
Choreography, Otto Pichler
Stage designer, Klaus Grünberg
Costumes, Alfred Mayerhofer
Dramaturgy, Ingo Gerlach
Choir, André Kellinghaus
Light, Franck Evin
Sound design, Gerd Drücker
Lilli Vanessi/Katharina, Dagmar Manzel
Fred Graham/Petruchio, Tom Erik Lie
Lois Lane/Bianca, Sigalit Feig
Bill Calhoun/Lucentio, Robin Poell
Erster Ganove, Christoph Späth
Zweiter Ganove, Peter Renz
Harrison Howell, F. Dion Davis
Chorsolisten der Komischen Oper Berlin
Axel Baer, Allessandra Bizzarri, Sarah Bowden, Friedrich Bührer, Alexon Capelesso, Daniella Foligno, Christian Hante, Andrea Heil, Jesco Himmelrath, Miha Podrepsek, Nora Pichette, Eleonora Talamini, Robert Johansson, Bridie June Rack