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巴黎, 圣洛克教堂(Église Saint‐Roch) — Main Hall

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$ 52


2024 年,我们将庆祝 19 世纪和 20 世纪初意大利歌剧的主要作曲家之一贾科莫-普契尼逝世 100 周年。
"Messa di Gloria "是一部神圣的作品,体现了普契尼的音乐和精神表达,但往往被他的著名歌剧如《波希米亚人》、《托斯卡》和《蝴蝶夫人》所掩盖。这部弥撒曲是在他还是学生的时候写成的,已经显示出他的音乐天才和打动听众的能力。
这部作品最初是作为教堂的礼仪音乐而创作的,后来却成为一部真正的音乐会作品。Messa di Gloria》是为独唱、合唱和管弦乐队而作,它受到了意大利歌剧的影响,其中的戏剧性和抒情性段落都体现了普契尼的风格。虽然这首弥撒曲的知名度不及他的著名歌剧,但它已经展现了普契尼后来创作的才华和音乐敏感度。

第二位意大利歌剧大师将为本场美妙的音乐会画上圆满的句号:朱塞佩-威尔第。和他的长辈一样,虽然威尔第主要以歌剧著称,但他也为后人留下了真正的神圣瑰宝。Quattro Pezzi Sacri》在他的曲目中占有重要地位。这些作品证明了他音乐才华的深度和多样性,甚至超越了歌剧舞台。这些作品展现了威尔第的另一面,更内敛、更灵性,通常被认为是 19 世纪神圣音乐中最好的合唱作品之一。它们结合了威尔第精湛的技术和深厚的戏剧感



  • 吉亚卡摩·普契尼 – Messa di Gloria
  • 朱塞佩·威尔第 – Quattro Pezzi Sacri (Four Sacred Pieces)


男高音: Artavazd Sargsyan
指挥: Till Aly
合唱团: Le Choeur de Paris
男中音: Jiwon Song
合唱团: Gaudeamus Academical Choir from Vilnius
Choirmaster: Rasa Gelgotiene
乐团: Musici Europae Orchestra

Giuseppe Verdi

Giuseppe Verdi was an Italian opera composer. From a young age, he developed a musical education with the help of a patron and soon dominated the Italian opera. In fact by his 30s, he became one of the most influential opera composer all over the classical scene. His most famous operas are Il Trovatore, Rigoletto and La Traviata. Furthermore, he was able to establish himself as a landowner with the income from his successful operas and focus on his private life. However, he soon returned to the scene with his new popular work Aida (1871), and three masterpieces: Otello, Requiem and Falstaff.

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini was an Italian opera composer of the late 19th century. He was considered one of the greatest composers of the Italian Opera, second only to Verdi. His early works were characterised by features of the traditional 19th century romantic Italian opera. Later, his style developed into the realistic verismo style, which inspired him to write his most famous masterpieces and became one of the leading exponents of the style. His most renowned works La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), and Turandot (1924), all are popular operas played in the most prestigious venues of the classical world.


圣洛克教堂(Église Saint‐Roch), 296, rue Saint‐Honoré, 巴黎, 法国 — 查看谷歌地图

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