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Martin-Luther Church, Dresden, Credit: Oktobersonne/Wiki style= Martin-Luther Church, Dresden, Credit: Oktobersonne/Wiki

Martin‐Luther Church

德累斯顿, 德国

The Martin‐Luther Church, built 1883‐1887, is one of the few churches in Dresden that was almost completely spared by the air raids during World War II. Situated amid many houses in Wilhelminian style in the heart of the Neustadt, it plays an important role in the church and cultural life of the city. The neo‐romantic interior offers more than 1000 seats.


Martin‐Luther Church, Martin‐Luther‐Platz 5, 01099 德累斯顿, 德国, 查看谷歌地图

在Martin-Luther Church发现的活动

  • Dresdner Musikfestspiele:Happy Birthday Arvo Pärt!Toomoja — 爱沙尼亚爱乐室内合唱团 — Kaljuste

    Dresdner Musikfestspiele:Happy Birthday Arvo Pärt!Toomoja — 爱沙尼亚爱乐室内合唱团 — Kaljuste

    德累斯顿, Martin‐Luther Church

    $ 14