维也纳, 史蒂芬大教堂 (Stephansdom) — main
在维也纳市中心,您可以在圣诞节前沉浸在一场音乐盛宴中:由大师彼得·波佩尔卡(Petr Popelka)指挥的维也纳交响乐团将在宏伟的圣斯蒂芬大教堂举办降临节音乐会。即将上演的曲目以“波西米亚圣诞节”为主题,将演奏安东宁·德沃夏克、贝德里赫·斯美塔那、约瑟夫·苏克等人的情感作品。
期待独特的体验,如歌剧《吻》中令人着迷的摇篮曲,由卡特琳娜·克涅日科娃(Kateřina Kněžíková)演绎。当晚,Štěpánka Pučálková、Pavel Černoch和Adam Plachetka等著名独奏家将与维也纳音乐协会合唱团同台献艺,在维也纳标志性大教堂的“维也纳降临节”上,音乐与反思融为一体。
请在票箱中选择下午 6 点的音乐会(预演)或晚上 8 点 30 分的主音乐会。
乐团, 独奏家: | 维也纳交响乐团(Wiener Symphoniker) 维也纳交响乐团是奥地利著名的乐团之一。 |
男高音: | Pavel Cernoch |
次女高音: | Štěpánka Pučálková |
指挥: | Petr Popelka |
合唱团: | Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde |
女高音: | Kateřina Kněžíková |
男中音: | Adam Plachetka |
The Stephansdom (St. Stephen´s Cathedral), constructed in the 12th century, is a Viennese landmark. The present-day building incorporates Romanesque and Gothic styles, and stands on the site of two earlier churches. 23 bells hang in the Stephansdom's towers - the most famous is called 'Pummerin', and is the second-biggest church bell in Europe. One highlight of the Stephansdom is its tiled roof, intricately ornamented in richly-colored mosaics that outline Vienna's coat of arms. Visitors can climb up the North or South Tower to take a closer look at the stunning roof and enjoy the view of the city. The cathedral's catacombs - the resting place of approximately 10000 souls - are another must-see. Classical music frequently adds to the magic of the Stephansdom, with those featuring the music of Vivaldi and Mozart attracting the largest crowds.
史蒂芬大教堂 (Stephansdom), Stephansplatz 1 , 维也纳, 奥地利 — 查看谷歌地图