J. Haydn Harmoniemesse at St.
维也纳, 史蒂芬大教堂 (Stephansdom) — main
《和声弥撒曲》最初于 1802 年上演,是海顿为尼古拉二世-埃斯特哈希亲王创作的最后一部弥撒曲之一,它之所以被称为 "和声弥撒曲",并不是因为具体的和声,而是因为管乐器("和声音乐")的重要作用,它们与合唱团和管弦乐队共同营造出宏大而铿锵的质感。
在指挥家雅诺什-齐弗拉(János Czifra)的指导下,这项活动是合唱节的一部分,来自全球各地的歌唱家在此汇聚一堂,进行紧张的排练。合唱节的最高潮是在维也纳圣斯蒂芬大教堂举行的演出,由备受尊敬的独唱演员在维也纳大教堂管弦乐团的伴奏下表演,圣斯蒂芬大教堂与海顿有着千丝万缕的联系,海顿曾在这里当了九年唱诗班男孩,后来与妻子阿洛伊西亚交换了誓言。
- 约瑟夫·海顿 – Missa in B‐Dur „Harmoniemesse“ (Hob. XXII:14)
- 米歇尔·海顿 – Tres sunt qui testimonium dant (MH 183)
- 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特 – Kirchensonate Nr. 7 in F‐ Dur (KV 224)
乐团: | Wiener Domorchester |
指挥: | János Czifra |
合唱团: | Sing Mit! Festivalchor |
The Stephansdom (St. Stephen´s Cathedral), constructed in the 12th century, is a Viennese landmark. The present-day building incorporates Romanesque and Gothic styles, and stands on the site of two earlier churches. 23 bells hang in the Stephansdom's towers - the most famous is called 'Pummerin', and is the second-biggest church bell in Europe. One highlight of the Stephansdom is its tiled roof, intricately ornamented in richly-colored mosaics that outline Vienna's coat of arms. Visitors can climb up the North or South Tower to take a closer look at the stunning roof and enjoy the view of the city. The cathedral's catacombs - the resting place of approximately 10000 souls - are another must-see. Classical music frequently adds to the magic of the Stephansdom, with those featuring the music of Vivaldi and Mozart attracting the largest crowds.
史蒂芬大教堂 (Stephansdom), Stephansplatz 1 , 维也纳, 奥地利 — 查看谷歌地图