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Montpellier is a city in the south of France. It is the capital of the Languedoc‐Roussillon région, as well as the préfecture of the Hérault département. The city is situated on hilly ground 10 km (6 miles) inland from the Mediterranean coast on the River Lez. The name of the city, originally Monspessulanus, is said to have stood for mont pelé, or le mont de la colline.


  • 维瓦尔第的《四季》、舒伯特、卡西尼以及圣歌和流行圣诞歌曲:蒙彼利埃


    Montpellier, Basilique Notre‐Dame des Tables

    $ 16
  • 蒙彼利埃的福音音乐圣母大教堂


    Montpellier, Basilique Notre‐Dame des Tables

    $ 16