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在罗马的圣玛丽亚教堂(Chiesa Santa Maria dell'Anima)体验巴洛克音乐的魅力,在这里,永恒的杰作将在一场令人难忘的音乐会中栩栩如生地展现出来。您将聆听来自西斯廷主教堂的男高音斯蒂法诺-瓜达尼尼(Stefano Guadagnini)和管风琴演奏家保罗-塔利亚费里(Paolo Tagliaferri)的演奏。后者曾是西斯廷主教堂的成员,也是伟大的教皇大教堂 Santa Maria Maggiore 的管风琴师。


5.0 of 5

  • Gerhard M, Italien

    10月 2024年

    A truly unique concert. The countertenor was breathtaking, and the Church Santa Maria dell'Anima is incredible. The standing ovation was more than deserved.

  • Jill O, USA

    04月 2024年

    The countertenor was excellent and to hear the concert inside Santa Lucia del Gonfalone was sublime.

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