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罗马, St. Andrew's Church of Scotland

自由选择座位  1 h 15 min  即时电子机票 作为灵活的礼品赠送


$ 37



音乐会举办地点位于Via Venti Settembre 7号,距离奎里纳尔宫仅一箭之遥,对面是国防部。在这个私密场所,每个座位都能欣赏到壮丽的景色。


• 独特的环境:闪烁的灯光、有限的观众,与艺术家近距离接触,带来身临其境的体验。
• 普契尼最动人的时刻:欣赏《托斯卡》、《波希米亚人》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《图兰朵》等歌剧中最动人的篇章。
• 普契尼生平与音乐之旅:探索作曲家作品的趣闻轶事和深刻见解。
• 音乐会后的开胃酒:与艺术家们分享一杯上等的意大利葡萄酒,同时享用免费的传统开胃酒。


4.9 of 5

  • jeffrey r, USA

    11月 2024年

    Great voices and great areas

  • Donna C, United Kingdom

    10月 2023年

    What a wonderful evening! Highly recommended and made us feel at home in Rome!

  • Agnieszka H, Poland

    11月 2019年

    Thank you very much, it was the great evening!

  • Michael S, United Kingdom

    10月 2019年

    Superb quality of performance from talented and experienced musicians. Friendly atmosphere with wine and nibbles. Performers really went out of their way to please the audience. Excellent selection of Opera arias.

  • Seppo K, Finland

    05月 2019年

    The program consisted beatyful arias and piano piecies. Very enjoyable. The artists vere charming.

  • Kimberleigh B, United Kingdom

    05月 2019年

    An amazing evening with wonderfully talented people.

  • Natalie C, Australia

    05月 2019年

    Great show that provided a taste of Italian Opera. Highly recommended

  • Lynn M, United Kingdom

    03月 2019年

    Excellent performance, would have liked a venue with a little more atmosphere.

  • Olga N, Israel

    03月 2019年

    Beautiful performance! We enjoyed !

  • irem E, Turkey

    03月 2019年


  • Karen S, USA

    03月 2019年

    Bravo. Beautiful concert.

  • Sami R, Spain

    11月 2018年

    Wonderful, emotional, outstanding and we shall always cherish the memory. Amal & Sami RAIS

  • Xin Z, United Kingdom

    10月 2018年

    Couldn't be better! It's definitely beyond our expectations. Small venue, limited audiences, but top level performances. It's one of the best experiences in our roman trip!

  • Nancy S, Italy

    10月 2018年

    This was a highlight of being in Rome and that of course, says a lot. The pianist, tenor and soprano were excellent. I highly recommend this performance and I hope we can attend when we are here next year.

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St. Andrew's Church of Scotland, Via Venti Settembre 7, 罗马, 意大利 — 查看谷歌地图

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