城内圣保罗教堂 (Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura)
罗马, 意大利
城内圣保罗教堂教堂(意大利语:Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura;英文: St. Paul's Within the Walls) 是罗马城内一座美式风格教堂。
众圣徒教堂 (All Saints Church)
罗马, 意大利
罗马众圣徒教堂教堂始建于1882年,于1887年完工。教堂位于罗马最美丽的街道之一Via del Babuino 153号。 教堂是哥特是建筑,内部装饰雄伟奢华。
罗马, 意大利
多利亚潘菲利美术馆 (Palazzo Doria Pamphilj)
罗马, 意大利
多利亚潘菲利美术馆位于罗马城内Via del Corso及Via della Gatta之间。原为意大利贵族多利亚潘菲利(Doria Pamphilj)家族官邸。 目前潘菲利后人仍在管理美术馆。
埃格尼斯教堂 (Sant’Agnese in Agone)
罗马, 意大利
Rome Opera Ticket!
Classic Italian Pizza‐making Workshop in Rome
Master one of Italy’s most famous food staples on this Italian pizza cookery class in Rome. With all your kitchen equipment and fresh ingredients provided, listen as your talented local chef shares tips and tricks to produce the perfect pizza dough every time. Mix your flour and water like the real Italian pizzaiolos, and create your tasty masterpiece. Pizza is a real symbol of Italy, and it’s prepared with simple ingredients and just a little Italian flair! Next up, create and bake your own pizza. Choose the toppings to create your favorite pizza, and watch it rise and bake in the oven. When your pizza is baked and ready, take a seat for a lunch or dinner of homemade pizza and a good glass of wine in the heart of Rome.
Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Walking Tour in Rome
The Colosseum is the largest amphitheater the Romans ever built, and today ranks among the most‐visited sites of interest in the world. On this guided tour, visit must‐see Rome attractions including the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill. Exploring in a group of 15 people maximum, you'll enjoy a semi‐private tour led by a professional guide. Feel like a real Roman gladiator beneath the mighty walls of the magnificent Colosseum, and gain insight into the site’s ancient history. Next, visit Palatine Hill — considered to be the birthplace of the Italian capital. Here, learn how citizens belonging to the upper class settled on Palatine Hill and built sumptuous palaces — traces of which are still preserved to this day. The last stop on your tour is the Roman Forum, the most important of its kind in ancient Rome. Once the scene of important public meetings, it would have been flanked on all sides by bustling shops and open‐air markets.
Go City | Rome Explorer Pass
Want to take in Rome's best sights comfortably from a hop‐on hop‐off bus? Explore one of the world’s most iconic buildings and admire the Sistine Chapel and its breathtaking ceiling fresco by Michaelangelo? Or visit the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill and get insights into ancient Roman life and architecture? Get admission to all these attractions and more with Go City's Explorer Pass. Save on combined admission to your choice of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 attractions and explore the Eternal City at your own pace over the course of 60 days from your first attraction visit.It's easy and convenient! Once purchased, your pass can be downloaded instantly to your phone and shown at any of the participating attractions and tours. It comes with a Go City app to help you plan your trip in advance, including instructions to place reservations before your visit.Your choice of attractions includes:Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel – reserved entry Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill – reserved entry Capitolini Museum with hosted entry Rome Catacombs guided tour with return transport Pizza Terrace Menu in the Prati District Pantheon – reserved entry with audio guide Big Bus Rome Hop‐On Hop‐Off 1‐Day Discover Ticket Castel Sant'Angelo St. Peter's Basilica and Cupola guided tour with breakfast 1‐Hour Pizza‐cooking Experience Espresso, Gelato, and Tiramisu Tour …and more! Have a look at the most up‐to‐date lineup here.
Pasta and Tiramisu Cookery Workshop in Rome
Master the basics of Italian cuisine, and prepare your own pasta and tiramisu, on this hands‐on cookery workshop in Rome. Discover the traditional recipes and hidden secrets of these popular dishes from your chef, a local expert in Italian cuisine. With fresh ingredients and all equipment provided, start your workshop by making a tasty tiramisu. Next, whip up your flour and eggs and prepare your own hand‐made pasta. Listen as your chef shares insight into the correct techniques, and cut your fresh pasta to size. Choose your traditional pasta sauce — carbonara, amatriciana, cacio e pepe, or alfredo — and sit down to your delicious pasta and tiramisu among fellow classmates. A glass of wine, a Limoncello, and a cup of coffee are included in your workshop.
不游览罗马的标志性建筑,罗马之旅就不算完整。罗马斗兽场是罗马宏伟和坚韧的象征。不远处的罗马广场让游客沉浸在古罗马政治和社会生活的中心。在附近的帕拉丁山(Palatine Hill),游客可以欣赏到壮丽的景色,领略这座城市传奇的起源。 对于那些想知道在罗马该做些什么的人来说,这些景点是必不可少的一站。对于艺术和建筑爱好者来说,参观梵蒂冈城是必不可少的。圣彼得大教堂、西斯廷教堂和梵蒂冈博物馆是世界上最受尊崇的杰作所在。这些历史和文化瑰宝一直是各种兴趣的游客在罗马最值得做的事情之一。
罗马的魅力在于其隐秘的角落和独特的体验。参观圣塞巴斯蒂亚诺地下墓穴(Catacombs of San Sebastiano)或圣卡利斯托地下墓穴(San Callisto),揭开这座城市的地下历史。如果您想换个角度,可以探索罗马最古老的道路之一--阿皮亚路,这里非常适合悠闲地骑车或散步。 千万不要错过科佩代区(Quartiere Coppedè),这是一个拥有童话般建筑的奇特街区。另一个不寻常的体验是位于亚汶丁山上的马耳他骑士锁孔,在这里可以完美地欣赏到圣彼得大教堂的美景。这些非传统的景点丰富了您的行程,让您发现在罗马,除了常规的旅游路线之外,还可以做些什么。
想知道罗马白天有什么活动吗?您可以从特拉斯提维雷(Trastevere)开始一天的行程,在这个以鹅卵石街道和波希米亚氛围而闻名的迷人街区喝杯咖啡。如果时间不够,可以游览斗兽场、万神殿和纳沃纳广场--这些地标性建筑是罗马的精髓所在。如果时间充裕,您可以探索罗马两天内的活动。参观梵蒂冈、西班牙台阶和博尔盖塞别墅花园。晚上,在特斯塔西奥(Testaccio)享用传统的罗马晚餐,或在菲奥里广场(Campo de' Fiori)观赏罗马城的繁华。沿着台伯河漫步或欣赏灯火辉煌的许愿泉,都是罗马夜晚的典型活动。 对于音乐爱好者来说,罗马的音乐会场馆能给他们带来难忘的体验。罗马歌剧院(Teatro dell'Opera di Roma)是一座历史悠久的歌剧院,以其精彩的演出和典雅的建筑而闻名。现代化的 Auditorium Parco della Musica音乐厅举办各种音乐会,其中包括国家圣塞西莉亚学院管弦乐团(Orchestra dell' Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia)的演出。圣保罗教堂(Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura)拥有引人注目的哥特式复兴设计,为定期举办的古典音乐会提供了一流的音响效果。夏季,在卡拉卡拉浴场(Baths of Caracalla)欣赏露天歌剧表演,将令人惊叹的音乐与古老的历史融为一体,是一种真正独特的体验。
罗马各具特色的街区为每位游客提供了独特的体验。在历史中心区(Centro Storico),您可以参观万神殿(Pantheon)、威尼斯广场(Piazza Venezia)和菲奥里广场(Campo de' Fiori)等标志性建筑。若想感受活力四射的氛围,可前往特拉斯提弗列(Trastevere),那里有热闹的酒吧和传统的小餐馆。关于在罗马做什么,一个不错的建议是探索蒙蒂(Monti),这是罗马斗兽场附近的一个时尚街区,是精品购物和时髦咖啡馆的理想去处。 同时,Testaccio 是美食家的天堂,这里有正宗的罗马美食和热闹的市场。每个区域都展示了这座城市不同的一面,是徒步游览的理想目的地。无论您有什么兴趣,罗马的各个街区都会给您带来难忘的体验。
罗马的美食是一场感官盛宴。首先,您可以品尝经典菜肴,如意大利肉酱、意大利肉酱或比萨。如果想品尝甜点,可以试试 Giolitti 的冰淇淋或 Pompi 的提拉米苏。 如果想体验正宗的餐饮,可以去特拉斯提维里的 Da Enzo al 29 或特斯塔乔的 Flavio al Velavevodetto 等传统小餐馆。如果您喜欢美食,可在罗马唯一一家米其林三星餐厅 La Pergola 或以美食闻名的 Roscioli 订座。这些美食探险活动是美食爱好者在罗马的最佳活动之一。
罗马以其丰富的历史、艺术珍品和充满活力的街头生活吸引着每一位游客。从古老的废墟到隐藏的瑰宝,总有新奇的事物等待您去发现。不要忘了去 Classictic 购买罗马顶级古典表演的门票,确保您的旅行在高潮中结束。