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St. James Church, Credit: Lonpicman/Wikipedia style= St. James Church, Credit: Lonpicman/Wikipedia

St James's Church

伦敦, 英国

St James's Church, just steps from London's Piccadilly Circus, was designed by Christopher Wren and built in 1684. It was severely damaged by bombs during World War II, but the famous altar carvings, altar piece, and organ casing were put in safe‐keeping survived the war.

The church was rebuilt after the war, and it is a well‐loved concert venue, as well as home to a lively religious community.


St James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, W1J 9LL 伦敦, 英国, 查看谷歌地图

在St James's Church发现的活动

  • 圣詹姆斯教堂烛光下的维瓦尔第四季音乐会


    伦敦, St James's Church

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    1 h
    $ 33
  • 在圣詹姆斯皮卡迪利广场的烛光下演奏《云雀升起》和拉赫玛尼诺夫第二钢琴协奏曲


    伦敦, St James's Church

    $ 32
  • 圣詹姆斯皮卡迪利广场的烛光月光奏鸣曲


    伦敦, St James's Church

    $ 32