佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的摇篮,是一座充满艺术、历史和文化气息的城市。佛罗伦萨以其令人惊叹的建筑、世界一流的博物馆和美味佳肴而闻名,为每位游客带来难忘的体验。如果您想知道在佛罗伦萨的 1 天、2 天甚至更长的时间内该做些什么,您会发现总有一些非凡的事物等待您去发现。
圣马可英教堂 (St Mark's English Church)
佛罗伦萨, 意大利
圣莫妮卡教堂 (Chiesa di Santa Monaca)
佛罗伦萨, 意大利
圣莫妮卡教堂位于佛罗伦萨城中心,介于 S. Frediano 和 S. Spirito 之间。这座建于15世纪的建筑被称为意大利建筑的瑰宝。
威尔第剧院 (Teatro Verdi)
佛罗伦萨, 意大利
Teatro Verdi is a theatre in the centre of Florence founded in 1854. Originally called Teatro Pagliano, the theatre was renamed in 1901 to honour Giuseppe Verdi.
老桥圣斯德望堂 (Auditorium di Santo Stefano al Ponte Vecchio)
佛罗伦萨, 意大利
圣芬莉堂 (Chiesa di Santa Felicita)
佛罗伦萨, 意大利
Accademia Gallery semi‐private guided tour
Enjoy a small‐group tour of the second most visited museum in Florence and see Michelangelo's David, one of the most famous symbols of Italy worldwide.Meet your guide near the Uffizi, and take a short walk through the historic center to reach the entrance of the Accademia Gallery. Admire the beauty all around you as you walk from Piazza della Signoria to the magnificent Cathedral in Piazza del Duomo, passing by Via dei Calzaiuoli.Skip the line at the museum entrance and discover the greatest collection of sculptures by Michelangelo in the world. Marvel at his David, an imposing sculpture considered as a model of the ideal male beauty in art. The superb representation of the biblical hero became one of the emblems of the Renaissance and is now a symbol of Florence and Italy around the world.Inside the Accademia Gallery, you'll also find the Museum of musical instruments as well as the largest collection of paintings on a gold background and the Sala dei Prigioni displaying sculptures designed for Pope Julius II. After the guided tour, you can stay inside and explore the museum at your own pace.
From Florence: San Gimignano, Siena, Monteriggioni and Chianti with Wine Tasting
Uncover the medieval secrets of Tuscany on this San Gimignano, Siena, and Monteriggioni sightseeing tour from Florence. First, spin by comfortable coach through the rolling Chianti hills to Monteriggioni with your guide. On arrival, admire the ancient city walls and soak up the atmosphere in this historic hilltop settlement. Continue on to the UNESCO‐listed city of Siena, famous for its impressive Gothic architecture. Discover top attractions such as elegant Piazza del Campo, the magnificent Palazzo Pubblico, and the Torre del Mangia. In the ancient Piazza del Duomo, marvel at the imposing Gothic cathedral — widely considered among the finest in Tuscany. Before leaving Siena, you will have plenty of free time to explore at your leisure. Your next stop is UNESCO‐listed San Gimignano, famous for its white wine — the world‐renowned Vernaccia. Wander along the narrow streets at your own pace, and admire pretty views into the surrounding vineyards and countryside. Finally, head deeper into the Chianti region, where picture‐postcard landscapes await. Here, sample the finest Chianti red wine in a rustic local winery, accompanied by delicious homemade aperitifs. A full refund will apply if you cancel 24 hours or more before the activity start time.No refund is possible if you cancel within 24 hours of the activity start time.
From Florence: Tuscany by Bike and Saffron Tasting
Begin this exciting tour with a short walk through the small village of Vicchio and around its beautiful lake, then hop on your bike and enjoy the ride in the countryside, away from traffic.Along the way you’ll admire a Romanesque church, a villa from the Medicean period and Giotto's house, always surrounded by nature and the typical Tuscan landscape.Halfway through the ride, you’ll stop at a saffron farm. See the local farm animals, the beehives and vineyard, and taste some delicious saffron‐flavored products (honey, jam, cheese, biscuits, beer, herbal tea), while the owners show you how to grow saffron.From Florence, you can easily reach the meeting point by train and enjoy the scenic journey through the Tuscan countryside.
Uffizi Gallery Visit with Audio Guide at 11:30am
For all those customers who wish to visit the museum in total freedom and at their own pace, guided by an audio commentary of expert art historians recorded in their own language. You can't leave Florence without visiting one of the most famous art galleries in the world. Here you can admire numerous works of art by Botticelli, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Raffaello, Giotto, Cimabue, Masaccio and many others. Among the precious exhibition halls of the Gallery, the most renowned one contains the refined works by Botticelli, amongst which the absolute masterpieces: "Primavera" and "Birth of Venus". The latter painting, the icon of the museum, represents the allegory of the birth of the goddess emerging from the sea foam and symbolizes the ideal of beauty as an expression of purity and spiritual quality, typical of the Renaissance Neoplatonic aesthetics.
佛罗伦萨的地标性建筑是游览佛罗伦萨的核心内容。从佛罗伦萨大教堂(Duomo)开始,布鲁内莱斯基的圆顶是哥特式建筑的杰作。几步之遥,您还可以欣赏到圣乔凡尼洗礼堂的复杂细节,以及乔托的钟楼(Campanile),一览佛罗伦萨全景。 对于艺术爱好者来说,乌菲齐美术馆是佛罗伦萨的必游之地,这里有波提切利、米开朗基罗和达芬奇的作品。附近的阿卡德米亚美术馆(Accademia Gallery)是米开朗基罗《大卫》的故乡,也是佛罗伦萨艺术遗产的象征。游览完佛罗伦萨的经典名胜后,您还可以去参观雕塑和建筑奇迹遍布的历史广场--西诺里亚广场(Piazza della Signoria)。这些景点都是佛罗伦萨最值得一游的地方,展示了这座城市无与伦比的文化遗产。
佛罗伦萨的魅力远不止于其著名的地标性建筑,它还提供了许多在佛罗伦萨游玩的好去处。参观奥尔特拉诺区(Oltrarno),了解当地生活,那里的工匠们在制作珠宝、皮具和定制服装。探索隐藏在巴迪尼花园(Bardini Gardens)中的瑰宝,欣赏城市美景,远离喧嚣。 另一个独特的体验是参观瓦萨里走廊(Vasari Corridor),这是一条连接乌菲齐美术馆(Uffizi Gallery)和皮蒂宫(Pitti Palace)的秘密通道。虽然目前正在翻修,但一旦重新开放,还是值得一游的,因为它能以独特的视角展现佛罗伦萨的历史。千万不要错过迷人的波波利花园,这里是文艺复兴时期景观和雕塑的室外博物馆。探索这些鲜为人知的瑰宝是佛罗伦萨最值得做的事情之一,是一次真正难忘的旅行。
想知道佛罗伦萨白天有什么活动吗?您可以在圣灵广场(Piazza Santo Spirito)的一家当地咖啡馆享用咖啡和糕点,开始您的早晨。您可以在大教堂、维奇奥桥和乌菲齐美术馆等标志性建筑中度过一天。逗留时间较长的游客还可前往皮蒂宫(Pitti Palace)及其壮丽的花园。 傍晚时分,佛罗伦萨将变成一座迷人的城市。如果考虑晚上在佛罗伦萨做什么,可以先沿着阿诺河悠闲漫步,欣赏标志性的维琪奥桥闪烁的灯光。在一家传统的餐厅(如 Trattoria Mario 或 Osteria Vini e Vecchi Sapori)品尝美味的托斯卡纳晚餐。最后,到 Gelateria dei Neri 甜品店品尝奶油冰淇淋,在罗马广场永恒的氛围中度过美好的夜晚。 对于音乐爱好者来说,佛罗伦萨的音乐会场馆提供了私密而难忘的活动。圣莫娜卡教堂(Chiesa di Santa Monaca)在优美的历史环境中举办古典音乐会。Ponte Vecchio 的圣斯特凡诺礼堂(Auditorium di Santo Stefano al Ponte Vecchio)提供从管弦乐到合唱的各种演出。圣马可圣公会教堂(St Mark's Anglican Church)举办独唱音乐会和歌剧活动,威尔第剧院(Teatro Verdi)则在优雅的环境中上演歌剧、芭蕾舞和现代表演。
佛罗伦萨的街区各具特色,为计划在佛罗伦萨游玩的游客提供了无尽的灵感。在历史中心,大教堂(Duomo)和韦奇奥宫(Palazzo Vecchio)等标志性建筑令人叹为观止。在河对岸的奥尔特拉诺(Oltrarno),您可以发现手工作坊和时尚咖啡馆所营造的波希米亚氛围。 圣洛伦索区(San Lorenzo)是美食家的理想去处,这里有中央市场(Mercato Centrale)等充满活力的市场,您可以在此品尝当地美食。圣克罗齐是圣克罗齐大教堂(Basilica of Santa Croce)的所在地,也是一个较为安静的街区,到处都是迷人的街道和手工艺品商店。佛罗伦萨的每个区域都适合您徒步探索,发掘佛罗伦萨丰富的历史和充满活力的文化。
佛罗伦萨的美景随着季节的变化而变化,每次来佛罗伦萨都能创造独特的机会,重新定义佛罗伦萨的游玩项目。春季和秋季是探索佛罗伦萨户外宝藏的理想季节,而冬季则人少而安静。从探索充满艺术气息的教堂到漫步于风景如画的广场,您将发现佛罗伦萨全年都有的免费必游项目。 随时了解佛罗伦萨的最新活动,如节日庆典、艺术展览和文化活动,为您的游览增添别样风情。复活节期间一年一度的 "Scoppio del Carro "和六月热闹非凡的 "Calcio Storico "都是不可错过的传统活动,彰显了佛罗伦萨独特的传统。
佛罗伦萨的烹饪界是托斯卡纳风味的盛宴,在计划佛罗伦萨的游玩项目时,可以考虑这里的美味。从经典菜肴开始,如 Bistecca alla Fiorentina、Ribollita 或 Pappardelle al Cinghiale。用餐时再配上一杯基安蒂(Chianti)葡萄酒,就能体验到正宗的佛罗伦萨风味。 要想获得难忘的用餐体验,可以去 Trattoria Cammillo 或 Il Latini 等传统的小餐馆。美食爱好者可以在佛罗伦萨的米其林三星餐厅 Enoteca Pinchiorri 订座。别忘了品尝一下佛罗伦萨著名的冰淇淋,Gelateria La Carraia 和 Vivoli 是其中的佼佼者。
佛罗伦萨以其艺术珍品、历史魅力和充满活力的文化氛围吸引着游客。从标志性地标到隐藏的瑰宝,总有新奇的事物等待您去发现。别忘了去 Classictic 购买佛罗伦萨顶级古典表演的门票,确保您的旅行在和谐的音符中结束。