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Seong-Jin Cho Foto: (c) Christopher Koestlin style= Seong-Jin Cho Foto: (c) Christopher Koestlin

德累斯顿音乐节:Cho — Göteborgs Symfoniker — Rouvali

德累斯顿, Kulturpalast — Main Hall

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由桑图-马蒂亚斯-鲁瓦利(Santtu‐Matias Rouvali)指挥,赵承镇与哥德堡交响乐团(Göteborg Symphony Orchestra)共同主演的盛大管弦乐演出。

上一季,赵承镇曾在 Palais im Großen Garten 举办钢琴独奏音乐会,令音乐节观众为之倾倒。今年,他将再次来到德累斯顿,不仅是独奏,还将与管弦乐团合作,演奏钢琴曲目中的代表作之一:肖邦的《E小调第一钢琴协奏曲》。这首曲子反映了肖邦早期的浪漫主义情结,尤其是与康斯坦察-格瓦德科夫斯卡(Konstancja Gładkowska)的合作,探索了钢琴广阔的表现力,为音乐和情感的深度设定了新的基准。哥德堡交响乐团自 1997 年以来一直享有瑞典国家交响乐团的殊荣,为演出提供了华美的背景音乐。此次演出还标志着另一个特殊时刻--芬兰指挥大师桑图-马蒂亚斯-鲁瓦利(Santtu‐Matias Rouvali)的回归,他曾于 2024 年在德累斯顿赢得赞誉,现担任哥德堡交响乐团的首席指挥。在他的指挥下,观众将欣赏到柴可夫斯基深邃的最后一部杰作《悲怆》,柴可夫斯基本人形容这部作品包含了他 "全部的灵魂"。


  • 弗里德里克·肖邦 – Piano Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
  • 彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基 – Symphony No. 6 in B minor, Op. 74 'Pathétique'


乐团: Göteborgs Symfoniker

The Göteborgs Symfoniker (Gothenburg Symphony, or Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra) is an orchestra based in Gothenburg, Sweden. Founded in 1905, it was granted the title of 'Swedish National Orchestra' in 1997. GSO have made several tours during the last 10‐15 years — they have performed in London, Vienna, Boston and Shanghai, to name a few places, and have been met with a great response from both critics and audiences.

Although the GSO has a broad repertoire, it has a special affinity for the works of the Nordic Late Romantic composers, such as Jean Sibelius and Edvard Grieg, which has comprised the bulk of its recorded output, as well as Neeme Järvi's specialty, Prokofiev.

The GSO is resident at the Gothenburg Concert Hall, built in 1935 and renowned for its superior acoustic quality.

指挥: Santtu‐Matias Rouvali
钢琴家, Violoncello da Spalla: Seong‐Jin Cho


Kulturpalast, Schlossstr. 2, 德累斯顿, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图

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