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St. Francis of Assisi Church (Svatý František z Assisi) style= St. Francis of Assisi Church (Svatý František z Assisi)

St. Francis of Assisi Church (Svatý František z Assisi)

布拉格, 捷克

In the St. Francis of Assisi Church, there is the unique baroque organ made in 1702, that is the second oldest organ in Prague. Series of famous personalites, for example W.A. Mozart, A. Dvorák, J. F. N. Seger etc. played the renowned music instrument, in the present sensibly repaired.

The musicians conduct at the organ choir, that%u2019s unusually located to the right next to the main altar. It causes uncustomed visual experiences, but mainly uncommon acoustics effects originate by cross %u2013 type floor plan solution of the main nave. All place of the church, decoration, movable chattels and sound of the organ is exceptionaly coherent tableau of the baroque period. The combination of the briliant music and art of old master builders offers valuable cultural experiences for our listeners.

The Church is not heated.


St. Francis of Assisi Church (Svatý František z Assisi), Křižovnické náměstí, 11000 布拉格, 捷克, 查看谷歌地图

在St. Francis of Assisi Church (Svatý František z Assisi)发现的活动

  • 管风琴演奏会:布拉格圣方济各教堂


    布拉格, St. Francis of Assisi Church (Svatý František z Assisi)

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    1 h
    $ 19