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Deutsche Oper Berlin, © Photo: Leo Seidel style= Deutsche Oper Berlin, © Photo: Leo Seidel


柏林, 柏林德意志歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin) — Main stage

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$ 159


柏林德意志歌剧院克尔斯滕-哈姆斯(Kirsten Harms)制作的理查德-瓦格纳(Richard Wagner)的《唐豪瑟》(Tannhäuser)中蕴含着多层含义。受邀参赛的选手歌唱纯洁的情感,而唐豪塞则赞美维纳斯的激情。他对情欲的公开宣扬激怒了众人,他们准备拿起武器反抗他,但受伤的伊丽莎白设法保护了他……



简介:演出开始前 45 分钟,在 Rang 大厅右侧

建议 16 岁以上观众观看

Deutsche Oper Berlin

Deutsche Oper Berlin is the biggest opera house in the German capital, and a member of the Berlin Opera Foundation established in the early 1900s. The original building was destroyed during the Second World War, but was eventually replaced, and the new theater opened in 1961 - six weeks after construction began on the Berlin Wall. Serving West Berlin, its sober, linear design avoids anything that might distract vistiors from the performance. The repertoire of the theater focuses on the great classics such as Mozart, Verdi and Strauss, but frequently presents contemporary opera as well. The Chorus of the Deutsche Oper has been named 'Chorus of the Year' many times for its outstanding performances.


5.0 of 5

  • PHILIPPE O, France

    10月 2024年


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柏林德意志歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin), Bismarckstraße 35 , 柏林, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图

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