柏林, 柏林德意志歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin) — Main stage
《纳布科》讲述了以色列人在尼布甲尼撒国王的巴比伦枷锁下被征服的戏剧性故事。基思-华纳为纪念作曲家威尔第诞辰 200 周年而创作的这部作品是威尔第最著名的歌剧之一。基思-华纳的这部作品将背景设定在该作品创作的同一时期,即从封建社会向资产阶级工业化社会过渡的时期。他的诠释侧重于两个民族的对立性质--现代希伯来人和巴比伦人,前者的文化以文字和民主理想教育为基础,而后者的国家观念则建立在专制统治之上。
- 朱塞佩·威尔第 – 拿布果
指挥Paolo Arrivabeni
导演Keith Warner
舞台设计Tilo Steffens
服装设计Julia Müer
合唱团团长Jeremy Bines
《纳布科》 Juan Jesús Rodríguez
IsmaeleJorge Puerta
ZaccariaLiang Li
AbigailleEwa Płonka
Fenena Karis Tucker
巴神大祭司Gerard Farreras
AbdalloJörg Schörner
AnnaMaria Motolygina
Chorus Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
OrchestraOrchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Deutsche Oper Berlin
Deutsche Oper Berlin is the biggest opera house in the German capital, and a member of the Berlin Opera Foundation established in the early 1900s. The original building was destroyed during the Second World War, but was eventually replaced, and the new theater opened in 1961 - six weeks after construction began on the Berlin Wall. Serving West Berlin, its sober, linear design avoids anything that might distract vistiors from the performance. The repertoire of the theater focuses on the great classics such as Mozart, Verdi and Strauss, but frequently presents contemporary opera as well. The Chorus of the Deutsche Oper has been named 'Chorus of the Year' many times for its outstanding performances.
5.0 of 5
Veronika G, Россия
01月 2019年
Perfectly! Beyond praise!
柏林德意志歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin), Bismarckstraße 35 , 柏林, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图