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Deutsche Oper Berlin, © Photo: Leo Seidel style= Deutsche Oper Berlin, © Photo: Leo Seidel


柏林, 柏林德意志歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin) — Main stage

点击查看座位图 最佳座位分配  2 h 45 min 作为灵活的礼品赠送


$ 107


柏林德意志歌剧院将上演朱塞佩-威尔第的《茶花女》,由戈兹-弗里德里希(Götz Friedrich)制作。

威尔第的《茶花女》是他唯一一部以当时巴黎中产阶级为背景的歌剧。该剧改编自大仲马(Alexandre Dumas)的著名小说《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias),小说对巴黎半封建社会进行了批判性的描写,讲述了贵族歌妓玛丽-杜普莱西斯(Marie Duplessis)的故事,玛丽-杜普莱西斯于 1847 年死于肺痨,年仅 23 岁。小仲马相当关注社会网络和人际关系,而威尔第和他的编剧弗朗切斯科-玛丽亚-皮亚维则完全关注维奥莱塔、阿尔弗雷多和他的父亲乔治之间的冲突。他们的戏剧只关注内部矛盾,重点是维奥莱塔-瓦莱里命运的三个阶段--爱情、放弃和死亡。



简介:演出开始前 45 分钟,在 Rang 大厅右侧

建议 13 岁以上观众观看


  • 朱塞佩·威尔第 – La Traviata

Deutsche Oper Berlin

Deutsche Oper Berlin is the biggest opera house in the German capital, and a member of the Berlin Opera Foundation established in the early 1900s. The original building was destroyed during the Second World War, but was eventually replaced, and the new theater opened in 1961 - six weeks after construction began on the Berlin Wall. Serving West Berlin, its sober, linear design avoids anything that might distract vistiors from the performance. The repertoire of the theater focuses on the great classics such as Mozart, Verdi and Strauss, but frequently presents contemporary opera as well. The Chorus of the Deutsche Oper has been named 'Chorus of the Year' many times for its outstanding performances.


4.6 of 5

  • samuel s., Australia

    06月 2012年

    Fantastic experience

  • Maria Luisa R., Spain

    06月 2012年

    Me gustó muchísimo. Extraordinarios cantantes y músicos.

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柏林德意志歌剧院 (Deutsche Oper Berlin), Bismarckstraße 35 , 柏林, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图

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