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柏林, 柏林爱乐音乐厅 (Philharmonie Berlin) — Grosser Saal

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$ 103


重点是马丁-帕尔梅里的 "布宜诺斯艾利斯弥撒",这是一首现代弥撒曲,奇妙地融合了神圣传统和阿根廷新探戈的元素。作曲家本人也坐在钢琴前。这是一个令人难忘的探戈时刻!
神圣音乐与世俗音乐之间的界限向来是不固定的。在 "布宜诺斯艾利斯的弥撒 "中,这种相互作用尤为明显,因为它超越了传统的音乐类别:探戈曾被认为是淫荡和亵渎的,但它却与神圣的拉丁弥撒曲融为一体!


"布宜诺斯艾利斯的弥撒 "将以其所有的辉煌呈现。演出由柏林交响乐团和卡尔-福斯特合唱团共同完成,在音乐和情感上都将展现出令人印象深刻的力量。加入我们这场非凡的音乐会,体验由柏林最优秀的音乐家共同演绎的震撼人心的融合音乐。


Omar Massa — Buenos Aires Resonances

Astor Piazzolla — Adios Nonino

Omar Massa — Tango Legacy

Martín Palmerij — Misa a Buenos Aires (Misa Tango)


合唱团: Karl‐Forster‐Chor
乐团: Berliner Symphoniker

The Berliner Symphoniker are renowned as one of the important symphony orchestras of Berlin. A tradition of internationally famous conductors and chief conductors has always guaranteed a high quality of musical performances. Since 1997 Lior Shambadal as chief conductor of the Berliner Symphoniker has furthered up this tradition.

The Berliner Symphoniker are particularly renowned for their series of performances of classical concerts in the Philharmonic Hall in Berlin, however, the orchestra is also famous for their educational activities which include workshops, teaching, concerts for families and senior citizens and performances in Berlin`s suburbs and schools.

Since their foundation in 1966 the orchestra tours regularly and very successfully in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Great Britain. Special highlights of there touring activities have been the performances during the International Musik Festival of Turkey, Egypt and Lucerne/ Switzerland followed by remarkable concerts through important cities of the United States of America and Brazil.

The CD production „Latin Music“ was 2007 nominated for the Grammy Award. Since the 3th march this year our new CD production with music from Richard Strauss is woldwide available.

Lior Shambadal
Chief Conductor of the Berliner Symphoniker

Lior Shambadal was born in 1950 in Tel Aviv where he studied viola, trombone, composition, and conducting. His studies took him to the Mozarteum in Salzburg where he worked with Carl Melles. Moving on to Vienna Mr. Shambadal had been tutored by acclaimed conductors such as Hans Swarowsky, Carlo Mario Giulini, Igor Markevitch, Sergiu Celibidache and Franco Ferrara. Lior Shambadal expanded his studies in other areas such as electronic music (in Vienna) and composition taught by Witold Lutoslawski (in France). In 1980 he was appointed chief conductor of the Haifa Symphony Orchestra. From 1986 to 1993 he led the Kibbuz Chamber Orchestra in Tel Aviv, with whom he performed on numerous tours through Europe.


柏林爱乐音乐厅 (Philharmonie Berlin), Herbert‐von‐Karajan‐Str. 1, 柏林, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图

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