Teatro Poliorama
巴塞罗那, 西班牙
Teatro Poliorama 位于巴塞罗那城中最美丽的 Ramblas 广场上。 剧院经过整修,于1996年对外重新开放。 它是巴塞罗那剧院中一颗璀璨的明珠。
加泰罗尼亚音乐宫 (Palau de la Música Catalana)
巴塞罗那, 西班牙
巴塞罗那音乐厅 (Auditori de Barcelona)
巴塞罗那, 西班牙
巴塞罗那 L'Auditori 音乐厅由西班牙著名建筑师拉菲尔·莫尼奥(Rafael Moneo)设计,1999年3月22日对外开放。
El Teatre més Petit del Món
巴塞罗那, 西班牙
您到过世界上最小的剧院吗?巴塞罗那城中的El Teatre més Petit del Món只拥有40个座位。
Basílica de la Mercè
巴塞罗那, 西班牙
The Basilica of Our Lady of Mercy was built between 1765 and 1775 by Josep Mas i Dordal. Located in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, it is one of the city's most representative churches.
演出信息, 节目单,网上订票
Barcelona City Tour Hop‐On Hop‐Off with Optional Catamaran
Visit Barcelona at your own pace aboard one of our double‐decker red buses. Hop‐on and hop‐off as many times as you wish through the day with a single ticket. Switch routes and discover Barcelona with an audio guide system. Now available in 15 different languages! Make the most of your Barcelona visit choosing the combo with one of our catamaran cruises, and see Barcelona Skyline from a new point of view! Join a 60 minutes cruise or pick the premium 90 minutes cruise that includes a cocktail and chill‐out background music. Leaving from Port Vell, admire monuments such as the World Trade Center, the largest yachts in the city, Port Olimpic and much more!
Barcelona Gaudí: Fast Track Sagrada Familia and Park Güell
Start the tour from our office next to Sagrada Familia. Remember you must check in at least 15 minutes before the starting time of the activity. An experienced guide will pick you up from the office and walk you to the Basilica. Discover the ultimate must‐see landmark in Barcelona. Learn about the history and significance of Sagrada Familia by the hand of your local guide. Marvel at the astonishing interior, rich in symbolism inspired on natural wonders. Walk freely around the nave whilst listening to your guide’s explanations of Gaudí’s masterpiece on your headsets. Take in all the details of the perfect fusion between architecture and spirituality. Tour the outside façades and wonder at the magnificence of details. Board an air‐conditioned coach for a short trip to the Park Güell, located in the upper part of the city. Enjoy a guided tour of the park and discover why it is one of the most emblematic works by Gaudí. Wonder at the magnificent skills of Gaudí and its organic style, displayed all over the park. Did you know the Park is a World Heritage Site by UNESCO? Follow your guide and board the coach again for a short trip to the Sant Pau Art Noveau Masterpiece. The guide will give you an explanation of the exterior of the building, which will allow you to learn about the history of the site and the ideas of the architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner.
Fast Track Guided Tour Sagrada Familia
Start the tour from our office next to Sagrada Familia. Remember you must check in at least 15 minutes before the starting time of the activity. An experienced guide will pick you up from the office and walk you to the Basilica. Enter the monument and discover the ultimate must‐see landmark in Barcelona. Learn about the history and significance of Sagrada Familia by the hand of your local guide. Marvel at the astonishing interior, rich in symbolism inspired on natural wonders. Walk freely around the nave whilst listening to your guide’s explanations of Gaudí’s masterpiece on your headsets. Take in all the details of the perfect fusion between architecture and spirituality. Tour the outside façades and wonder at the magnificence of details. At the end of your tour you can stay inside Sagrada Familia and visit the museum. An exhibition of drawings, models and pictures narrate the story of the Basilica. The museum also displays information on Gaudí’s life and career. Will you miss it out?
Guided tour of Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona
The Palau de la Música Catalana is one of the most representative monuments of Barcelona and one of the most recommended tourist attractions of the city.Built between 1905 and 1908 by the great architect Lluis Domènech i Montaner, the Palau is an architectural jewel of Catalonia and an essential part of any visit to the city, as any of the most fascinating Gaudí buildings.This historical building, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997, offers an experience so magical that visitors fall in love with it. Thanks to the hand of experienced guides, the wonders of this architectural pearl can be discovered and visitors will fall into a fantasy world full of details and references to the characteristic nature of modernist architecture.An essential visit in the list of top 10 things to see in Barcelona.The tour starts in the Rehearsal Hall of the Orfeó Catala, where the foundation stone of the building was laid in 1905 and where even today, as it has for more than 100 years, the choir of the Orfeó Català rehearses regularly. Sitting in this intimate space, visitors can learn the reason for its importance with an audiovisual tour. The tour continues along the grand staircase decorated with flowers, Catalan flags and a single rail: built in a clever combination of a range of materials including iron and glass to create a world of detail which never ceases to amaze visitors and viewers.You will then visit the Lluís Millet Hall, take a glimpse at the large balcony composed of columns symbolizing flowers of every kind, it is a real tribute to nature.Finally visit the Concert Hall where an explosion of color, shapes and light will welcome you to this great masterpiece of decorative art which amazes and inspires visitors and artists day after day. Also go up to the second floor, next to the great skylight, a drop of water and honey, a source of both light and inspiration.And finally the organ of the Palau, overlooking the room, will accompany the audience on a little musical journey.
Park Güell Guided Tour with Skip‐the‐Line Ticket
Let's discover this magnificent park designed by Antoni Gaudí more than 100 years ago. You will have the opportunity to visit almost the whole park with the magnificent bridges or viaduct and the monumental zone. Where you will see the main square with the beautiful, meandering and colorful bench and the market. We can not leave the park without seeing the staircase with the salamander and the two pavilions that were the porter house and the reception room. After you finish the tour you will have free time to enjoy this park. Join one of the most friendly, interesting and knowledgeable guided tours. The 1h and 15 minute guide guarantees skip‐the‐line access to this unique attraction as well as a personal, local and passionate expert that will take you throughout history and architecture in the most detailed and enthusiastic way possible. Experience Gaudí’s masterpiece to the fullest and thoroughly discover the Catalan modernism with its many interpretations and enigmas.
如果您想知道在巴塞罗那该做些什么,可以从这座城市的标志性建筑开始。首先,您可以参观高迪未完成的杰作——宏伟的圣家堂。一定要爬上其中一座塔楼,欣赏城市天际线的全景。巴塞罗那的另一处必游之地是高迪的另一著名作品——桂尔公园,这里有奇特的建筑、生动的马赛克以及自然与设计的独特融合。对于艺术爱好者来说,毕加索博物馆和胡安·米罗基金会收藏了大量的加泰罗尼亚艺术珍品。 漫步兰布拉大道无疑是巴塞罗那最棒的活动之一。这条繁华的大道两旁遍布商店、街头艺人和咖啡馆,将您带入城市中心。一定要去充满活力的博克里亚市场逛逛,感受当地生活。
白天,您可以漫步巴塞罗那迷人的街区,如哥特区,那里有狭窄的街道和隐秘的广场。您可以前往巴塞罗内塔海滩感受地中海风情,或前往城堡公园度过宁静的午后时光。 想知道晚上在巴塞罗那做什么吗?不妨在灯火通明的哥特区或贝尔港海滨长廊漫步。如果想体验文化氛围,可以前往加泰罗尼亚音乐宫听一场音乐会,这座建筑堪称瑰宝,也是巴塞罗那最好的音乐会场地之一。此外,您还可以在梅尔塞大教堂或巴塞罗那音乐厅欣赏古典音乐会。 如果您想度过一个轻松的夜晚,可以去巴塞罗那的小吃酒吧用餐,或者到屋顶露台喝上一杯,欣赏迷人的景色。这些活动将带您体验巴塞罗那的白天和黑夜。
巴塞罗那在每个季节都有其独特之处。无论您是计划两天内游览巴塞罗那,还是计划更长时间的停留,这座城市的魅力都不会褪色。在温暖的季节,您可以享受户外音乐会、海滩日和充满活力的节日;而在冬季,街道上则显得更加安静,气氛更加祥和。 不要错过巴塞罗那的活,例如8月的格拉西亚节(Festa Major de Gràcia),届时会有充满创意的街头装饰;还有2月的世界移动通信大会(Mobile World Congress),这是世界上最大的科技会议之一。春天的Primavera Sound音乐节为这座城市增添了活力,确保总有新的发现。
在巴塞罗那,探索这座城市的另类景点是必不可少的。您可以前往鲜为人知的卡梅尔碉堡(Bunkers del Carmel),欣赏城市壮丽景色,或漫步于充满活力的拉瓦尔(El Raval)街区,感受这座城市的多元文化氛围。 探索美丽的山坡村庄蒙特惠奇,乘坐缆车前往山顶,那里有标志性的蒙特惠奇城堡、迷人的花园和加泰罗尼亚国家艺术博物馆(MNAC)等艺术画廊。 想要换个视角,可以骑自行车穿越城市中游客较少的地方,比如格拉西亚迷人的街道或波布雷诺工业区,那里现代建筑与历史元素交相辉映。
想知道在巴塞罗那一天能做些什么吗?首先,您可以游览历史中心,参观著名的圣家堂,然后漫步在哥特区迷宫般的街道上。如果您有更多时间,可以前往波西米亚风格的埃尔博恩区或时尚的扩展区。 El Born区是一个充满魅力的区域,遍布古色古香的咖啡馆、精品店和艺术画廊。这里还有令人印象深刻的圣玛丽亚教堂,它是加泰罗尼亚哥特式建筑的一个杰出典范。相比之下,Eixample区展示了现代主义建筑杰作,如巴特罗公寓和米拉之家,均由安东尼·高迪设计。巴塞罗那的街区各具特色,每个街区都展现了这座城市历史和性格的不同侧面。
在巴塞罗那,一定要尽情享受这里的美味佳肴。巴塞罗那的美食是饕餮们的饕餮盛宴。不要错过西班牙海鲜饭、炸土豆球或广受欢迎的西班牙小吃,如辣味土豆和炸丸子。 如果想体验特别的用餐体验,可以前往米其林星级餐厅Moments,或在La Barceloneta餐厅享用地中海海鲜。如果想吃得更随意,可以尝试当地的小酒馆,或在著名的La Boqueria市场内的El Quim de la Boqueria餐厅悠闲地用餐。别忘了最后来一份加泰罗尼亚奶油布丁,这是一种类似于法式焦糖布丁的当地甜点。
巴塞罗那以其令人惊叹的建筑、地中海风情和丰富的文化内涵吸引着游客。从宏伟的圣家堂到充满魅力的街区,这座充满活力的城市总是有新的发现。无论您是在哥特区风景如画的街道上漫步,还是在巴塞罗内塔海滩的沙滩上放松身心,巴塞罗那的魅力都是毋庸置疑的。 当您考虑在巴塞罗那做什么时,请务必访问Classictic,购买该市顶级古典表演的门票,为您的旅行增添难忘的文化体验。巴塞罗那的历史、艺术、美食和充满活力的当地生活相结合,使其成为世界上最充满活力的目的地之一。