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巴黎, 玛德莲教堂 (Eglise de la Madeleine) — Main Hall

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$ 69


在巴黎卓越的玛德莱娜教堂(Eglise de la Madeleine)举行的莫扎特和拉威尔大师作品的惊人演出中,体验前所未有的古典音乐。

这是一个由其艺术总监保罗-萨瓦尔(Paul Savalle)的意愿创建的联合乐团,它让年轻的毕业生或正在成为毕业生的人在最佳工作条件下与经验丰富的管弦乐手和指挥家一起完善他们的技能。



  • 沃尔夫冈·阿玛多伊斯·莫扎特 – Requiem (KV 626)
  • 莫里斯·拉威尔 – 波莱罗舞曲


乐团: Orchestra Hélios

Youth, ambition, eclecticism: the Helios orchestra's mission is to integrate young musicians into the world of work through orchestral practice.

As an associative orchestra, created by the will of its artistic director Paul Savalle, it allows young graduates, or those in the process of graduation, to perfect their skills with orchestra musicians and experienced conductors, under optimal working conditions.

Founded in 2014, the Hélios orchestra has gradually established itself in the French orchestral landscape. It offers a wide range of programmes, from baroque to contemporary music. Its repertoire is both symphonic and choral, thanks to the involvement of the local choirs. The orchestra attaches great importance to this network: the association of the orchestra and the departmental and regional choirs is essential in its artistic approach. The collaboration of different conductors is also an essential part of the project, which allows musicians to approach a rich and varied repertoire and broaden their range of performances.

室内乐乐团: Hélios Éphémère


4.8 of 5

  • silvia r, Israel

    07月 2024年

    I came specialy from Israel.and I invited my family to the concert.Inoubliable.

  • Sebastien C, France

    10月 2023年


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玛德莲教堂 (Eglise de la Madeleine), Place de la Madeleine, 巴黎, 法国 — 查看谷歌地图

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