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Salle Cortot style= Salle Cortot

Salle Cortot

巴黎, 法国

Built in 1929, in a pure New Art style, its acoustic quality is one of the most unique in Europe and pleases the Paris audience. Auguste Perret, who is also the architect of the Champs‐Elysées Theater, designed one of his greatest realizations. Integrated to the 'Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris', this concert hall of which Cortot said 'its sounds like a Stradivarius' is, in all respests, an exceptional place.
Classified as a French Historical Landmark and located in the heart of Paris, it offers, with an average size (400 seats), 13 curved ranks idealy dispatched around the stage, which sets you in the middle of the sounds.
With beautiful panellings and a circular stage, on which well‐known artists have played, the Cortot Concert Hall is one of the most appreciated music theaters in Paris. The place (and some additional reception rooms) can also be rented to companies, private persons and artists.
The Municipal House is the most prominent Art Nouveau building of Prague and is one of the most important cultural monuments in the Czech Republic. The concert halls of the Municipal House are some of Prague´s most impressive and significant concert halls, primarily due to their superior acoustics.


Salle Cortot, 78 rue Cardinet, 75017 巴黎, 法国, 查看谷歌地图

在Salle Cortot发现的活动

  • 和谐之诗与伊莎贝尔-德鲁伊:科尔托厅


    巴黎, Salle Cortot

    $ 31