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圣诞音乐会:圣苏尔皮斯教堂(Église Saint‐Sulpice




" 我们祝你圣诞快乐"(不列颠),"我美丽的萨宾,森林之王"(阿利曼)
"Il est né le divin enfant (Français), Les anges dans nos campagnes (Français), "La Marche des Rois" de Bizet, " Joy to the World" de Haendel, " Hark the Herald Angels Sing" de Mendelsshon、James Pierpont的 "Jingle Bells",Adolphe Adam的 "Minuit Chrétien",Franz Gruber的 "Douce Nuit",Henri Martinet的 "Petit Papa Noël",Charles Gounod的 "Ave Maria"、 弗朗索瓦-格瓦特的 "Entre le bœuf et l'âne gris", 拉莫的 "Hymne à la Nuit", 约翰-弗朗西斯-韦德的 "Adeste Fideles", 卡米尔-圣桑的 "Ave Maria", "Jésus、que ma joie demeure" 巴赫的《L'adieu des bergers》,Hector Berlioz的《Duo des Fleurs》,Lakmé的《Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen》,Camille Saint‐Saëns的清唱剧《Tollite Hostias》。


3.7 of 5

  • Mary L, USA

    12月 2018年

    Beautiful music in a lovely venue

  • Jim R, USA

    12月 2018年

    We've previously attended Christmas concerts at Notre Dame, La Madeleine and St. Chapelle. St. Chapelle, with its stained glass, is the most beautiful venue. But last night's concert at St. Sulpice, with its massive choir, produced the most beautiful music. We paid more to be in the first 10 rows, and it was well worth the money to be able to clearly hear the soloists in this cavernous church. A wonderful evening!

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