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  • Klementinum, Prague
    Klementinum, Prague


布拉格, 克莱门特学院 (Klementinum) — Mirror Chapel

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$ 43


在美丽的布拉格 Klementinum 体验一场由女高音、男中音/男高音、长笛、小提琴、管风琴和钢琴共同演奏的魔幻降临音乐会。曲目包括 J.S. 巴赫、G.F. 亨德尔、W.A. 莫扎特、A. 德沃夏克、F. 舒伯特和 C. 弗兰克的作品。


  • Works by – J.S. Bach, G.F. Haendel, W.A. Mozart, A. Dvořák, F. Schubert, C. Franck


The Klementinum is a vast Baroque complex of historical buildings - one of the largest such complexes in Europe - in Prague's Old Town. The name 'Klementinum' comes from the chapel erected here in honor of St Clement in the 11th century. However, the complex' main story begins several centuries later with the arrival of the Jesuits in Bohemia. Commencing construction on their university in the 17th Century, the building process stretched over 170 years, explaining the Klementinum's mixture of architectural styles. When the Jesuit order was suppressed in 1773, they left the Klementinum, but the university they had founded remained. Today, the Mirror Chapel of the Klementinum frequently hosts classical music concerts,primarily featuring works by Mozart, Vivaldi, Smetana, and Dvorak.


克莱门特学院 (Klementinum), Klementinum 190/ Křižovnická, 190 Karlova, 1 Mariánské nám. 5, 布拉格, 捷克 — 查看谷歌地图

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