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黄金 20 年代

柏林, 柏林音乐厅 (Konzerthaus Berlin) — Kleiner Saal

最佳座位分配  即时电子机票 作为灵活的礼品赠送


$ 39


柏林之声合奏团通过一场动荡而多面的演出,向 20 世纪 20 年代的伟大艺术家们致敬。弗里德里希-霍兰德(Friedrich Hollaender)、玛琳-黛德丽(Marlene Dietrich)、喜剧谐谑团(the Comedian Harmonists)和其他艺术家的作品中的对联和电影名曲与布莱希特/威尔的《三重门歌剧》中的歌曲交替出现,从探戈到华尔兹再到摇摆舞,每一种音乐口味都能满足您的需求。让这场独特的演出带您回到娱乐艺术的黄金时代,期待一场充满活力和气质的丰富多彩的节目。


室内乐乐团: Berlin Vocaphoniker

Konzerthaus Berlin

The Konzerthaus Berlin is a concert hall situated on the Gendarmenmarkt, the most beautiful square in the city. Built in 1821, the structure initially served as a theater. Severely damaged in the Second World War, it was rebuilt as a concert hall in 1977, with a neoclassical interior, and changed its name to reflect its new function in 1994. Consistently numbered among the top five concert halls in the world, the Konzerthaus hosts around 500 performances every year, ranging from symphony and chamber concerts featuring international stars to new music and children's concerts.


柏林音乐厅 (Konzerthaus Berlin), Gendarmenmarkt, 柏林, 德国 — 查看谷歌地图

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