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  • The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Rudolf Klein
    The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Rudolf Klein
  • The Liszt Academy, Main Hall, © Photo: Judit Marjai
    The Liszt Academy, Main Hall, © Photo: Judit Marjai
  • The Liszt Academy, Solti Hall, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos
    The Liszt Academy, Solti Hall, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos
  • The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos
    The Liszt Academy, © Photo: Gyorgy Darabos


布达佩斯, 李斯特音乐学院音乐厅 (Liszt Academy Concert Center) — Grand Hall

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约尔迪-萨瓦尔再次执掌布达佩斯节日管弦乐团!这一次,这位活生生的早期音乐传奇将指挥布达佩斯节日管弦乐团 2011 年成立的巴洛克音乐合奏团,用历史悠久的乐器演奏以自然元素和暴怒为主题的作品。该节目展示了 18 世纪的三个音乐里程碑和三位人物。晚会上半场的主角是水。亨德尔的组曲首次在泰晤士河上演奏,而泰勒曼的乐曲则赞颂了汉堡的经济源头易北河。两首十乐章的巴洛克组曲之后是格鲁克的芭蕾舞剧--在这个著名故事的结尾,唐璜为他在尘世的罪孽付出了代价。萨瓦尔希望通过这场歌颂大自然力量的音乐会提醒我们,尽管环境危机重重,但只要齐心协力,我们的地球仍然可以得到拯救。

《水之乐》是音乐史上最激动人心的音乐会之一。1717 年,亨德尔--这位在统治者面前时好时坏的人--希望通过创作三首组曲来取悦君主,以纪念乔治一世国王。如果两艘船相距很近,管弦乐队就会演奏较为柔和的《空想曲》或其中一首小步舞曲;如果两艘船相距较远,他们就会演奏较为活泼的舞曲。演出获得了巨大成功。第一组曲中所谓的法国序曲开头缓慢优雅,节奏悠长,最后以一个活泼的快节奏段落结束。在接下来的乐章中,我们可以看到如扇子般的快板、顿挫的副歌、优雅稳健的小步舞曲、每次都以不同配器出现的布吕耶舞曲,以及以小调结束全曲的安魂曲。

1723 年,汉堡海军部举行了盛大的建军百年纪念活动。在响彻云霄的炮声和彩旗的装饰下,这座城市最杰出的作曲家泰勒曼创作了庆典音乐,他一生创作了数百首组曲。为了向这座港口城市致敬,这首乐曲以大海为中心,唤起了人们对大海的各种情绪和性格的回忆。在展现水的各种面貌的序曲之后,水手们熟悉的神话人物出现在舞台上。首先,海仙女忒提斯(Thetis)先睡后醒(萨拉班德舞曲和波尔雷舞曲),接着是痴情的海王星(鲁尔舞曲)、奈阿德人(加沃特舞曲)、特莱顿(哈勒奎纳舞曲),最后是风的主宰埃厄洛斯(Aeolus)和泽菲勒斯(Zephyrus)。组曲最后以舞蹈动作结束,描绘了潮起潮落和水手们在酒馆狂欢的场景。

就在著名的《奥菲欧与欧律狄刻》(Orfeo ed Euridice)问世前一年,格鲁克创作了芭蕾哑剧《唐璜》。与歌剧相似,格鲁克将音乐与戏剧情节的关系置于演员的技术素质之上,从而改革了芭蕾舞这一体裁。细腻的人物形象、深沉的情感、不可互换且不可或缺的动作是他讲故事的特点。这部作品对莫扎特的歌剧也产生了影响。在占芭蕾舞三分之一的组曲序曲之后,唐璜和总督的故事展开,在诅咒的音乐中达到高潮。在将地震、地狱之火和躁动不安的复仇女神之舞表现得栩栩如生的不朽乐章之后,故事在小号和长号演奏的钢琴小调中结束。


  • 乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔 – Water Music – Suite No. 1 in F Major from 'Water Music' HWV 348
  • 格奥尔格·菲利普·泰勒曼 – Water Music (Hamburg Ebb and Flow), TWV 55:C3
  • 克里斯托夫·维利巴尔德·格鲁克 – Don Juan or The Feast Of Stone – Ballet Suite, WQ 52


指挥: 约第‧沙瓦尔

约第‧沙瓦尔于1941年出生于巴塞罗那,是加泰罗尼亚族优秀艺术家。他从6岁开始学习音乐,并先后在巴塞罗那和欧洲不同国家学习古提琴。1974年他同女高音演唱家Montserrat Figueras共同创立了Hèsperion XX乐队,后者很快就在古乐界声名大振。约第‧沙瓦尔的职业生涯开始于为阿兰·科诺导演的法国电影《日出时让悲伤终结》原声音乐作曲。在此过程中,他获得了许多荣誉:艺术与文学荣誉勋章骑士勋位(1988),圣乔治十字勋章(1990),“音乐世界”年度音乐家(1992),“音乐胜利”年度独奏者(1993),艺术金奖(1998),维也纳音乐会之家荣誉成员(1999),天主教鲁汶大学荣誉博士(2002),音乐终身成就奖(2002),加泰罗尼亚议会金奖(2003),德国金唱片荣誉奖(2003),欧洲跨文化对话大使(2007)等。
在音乐的世界中,Jordi Savall具有一个特殊的位置。三十多年以来,他让世界了解了那些被遗忘在黑暗和冷漠当中的音乐奇迹:日复一日,他阅读它们,研究它们,用他的低音古提琴或者作为乐队指挥来演奏它们。
2008年,他跟Montserrat Figueras一起被任命为“欧盟跨文化对话大使”,在联合国教科文组织亲善大使的项目框架内,他们被任命为“和平艺术家”。2009年,Jordi Savall被任命为欧盟创造与创新大使。同年7月,卡塔卢尼亚文化艺术委员会给他颁发了国家音乐奖。

乐团: 布达佩斯节日乐团 (Budapest Festival Orchestra)

Liszt Academy Concert Center

The Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music was founded in 1875 by Liszt himself, and was initially called the Royal National Hungarian Academy of Music. Today, the building is home to a prestigious conservatory and fine concert hall, and houses the Liszt Collection, comprising the composer’s manuscripts and books. The institution's dual objective - to provide cultural education and cultural entertainment - makes it unique. The 'New Academy' is located in a grand Art-Nouveau building dominated by the statue of Liszt, one of Budapest’s architectural gems. The season offers not only classical concerts, but also jazz, folk, and contemporary music performances.

Georg Friedrich Händel

An English subject with German origins, Georg Handel was truly a musical pioneer, combining musical traditions of English, Italian and German composers. He was born in 1685 in Halle, Germany, into a very religious and conservative family. His father was dreaming for his son to become a lawyer and would not let young Georg play musical instruments at home. But the Duke Johann Adolf accidentally heard him playing in the chapel and convinced Georg's father to let his son receive a musical education. Thus, Handel became a pupil of the famous organ player and composer Friedrich Zachow. The first success came to Handel in 1705 when he moved to Hamburg and staged his two premiere operas, Almira and Nero, in the Oper am Gänsemarkt. Almira immediately became a highlight of the theatre and was performed around 20 times. Later next year Handel moved to Italy were he received high acclaim and was put on the same level as renowned Italian composers of the time. In 1710 Handel travelled to London where later he decided to settle down. There he wrote a sacred choral piece "Te Deum" that was played in St. Paul´s Cathedral at the ceremony devoted to signing the Utrecht Treaty. From that moment onwards he became the leading composer of England, as the country did not have any native prominent composers. His oeuvre was mainly focused on operas, but by 1730 the genre of Italian opera ceased to be popular and Handel´s success dwindled. During the last years of his life until his death in 1759 he was mainly composing oratorias, including his famous and magnificent Messiah.


李斯特音乐学院音乐厅 (Liszt Academy Concert Center), Liszt Ferenc tér 8., 布达佩斯, 匈牙利 — 查看谷歌地图

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