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  • The Original Three Tenors with Ballet: Napul’è Opera Arias and Ballet
    The Original Three Tenors with Ballet: Napul’è Opera Arias and Ballet

Три тенора в Риме: Nessun Dorma в театре Святого Павла 'В стенах

Рим, Церковь Сан-Паоло внутри крепостной стены — Sala 1

План зала Свободный выбор мест  1 h 30 min  Эл. билет сейчас Подарите как гибкий подарок

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$ 68

О событии

В самом сердце Рима три тенора присоединятся к танцорам в костюмах в сопровождении оркестра великих неаполитанских мандолин и рояля для выступления с оперными ариями и знаменитыми традиционными неаполитанскими песнями.

В программе такие волшебные мелодии, как "Torna a Surriento", "O' sole mio" и "Funiculì funiculà", а также чарующие оперные арии.

Добавьте нотку итальянской музыки к вашему пребыванию в Италии с помощью этого праздничного мероприятия.

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Билеты со скидкой доступны только по предъявлению удостоверения личности на кассе.


  • Luigi Ricci – Tarantella from La Festa di Piedigrotta
  • Джузеппе Верди – Риголетто – 'La donna è mobile', from Rigoletto
  • Francesco Paolo Tosti – "Marechiare"
  • Джоаккино Россини – La Danza, Tarantella Napoletana
  • Джакомо Пуччини – Тоска – 'E lucevan le stelle', from Tosca
  • Луиджи Денца – Funiculì Funiculà
  • Руджеро Леонкавалло – “Mattinata”, canzone napoletana
  • Vittorio Monti – Czardas
  • Джузеппе Верди – Травиата – 'Libiamo ne' lieti calici', from La Traviata
  • Vincenzo di Chiara – La Spagnola
  • Гаэтано Доницетти – Любовный напиток – 'Una furtiva lagrima', from L'elisir d'amore
  • Джузеппе Верди – Come facette Mammeta
  • Эрнесто де Куртис – Torna a Surriento
  • Raffaele Calace – Tarantella
  • Джузеппе Верди – Трубадур – Di quella pira (Il Trovatore)
  • Teodoro Cottrau – Santa Lucia
  • Руджеро Леонкавалло – Pagliacci – Vesti la giubba (I Pagliacci)
  • Джакомо Пуччини – Турандот – 'Nessun dorma', from Turandot
  • Vincenzo D’Annibale – O’ Paese do Sole
  • Эдуардо Ди Капуа – O Sole Mio
В программе возможны изменения


Сольные голоса:
Джузеппе Маканьо — Дельфо Паоне — Алессандро Риза Донато Мартини — Дельфо Паоне — Андреа Вилла
Мандолина Рояль
Микол Джирасоле Мария Кьяра Грассо Федерика Буттарелли
Режиссура и хореография:
Минеа де Маттиа

Chiesa di S. Paolo entro le Mura

The 'Church of St. Paul within the Walls' was the first non-Catholic church built in Rome after Italy's unification. The church was built between 1873 and 1880 as an Anglican Basilica in the district of Castro Pretorio, Via Nazionale, Rome. Constructed in the Gothic Revival style, the distinctive external facade is characterised by alternating red and limestone bricks. Four spectacular mosaics by the English pre-Raphaelite Edward Burne-Jones, in collaboration with William Morris, are the crowning glory of the church's interior. The eagle-eyed will spot several famous nineteenth-century figures among those representing the fathers of the church in the elaborate mosaics, among them the artist himself, notable donors and their families, and Abraham Lincoln, Giuseppe Garibaldi and General Grant among the 'Christian Warriors'. Many delightful classical events are hosted in this location, including performances of popular operas like La Traviata.

Giuseppe Verdi

Giuseppe Verdi was an Italian opera composer. From a young age, he developed a musical education with the help of a patron and soon dominated the Italian opera. In fact by his 30s, he became one of the most influential opera composer all over the classical scene. His most famous operas are Il Trovatore, Rigoletto and La Traviata. Furthermore, he was able to establish himself as a landowner with the income from his successful operas and focus on his private life. However, he soon returned to the scene with his new popular work Aida (1871), and three masterpieces: Otello, Requiem and Falstaff.

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini was an Italian opera composer of the late 19th century. He was considered one of the greatest composers of the Italian Opera, second only to Verdi. His early works were characterised by features of the traditional 19th century romantic Italian opera. Later, his style developed into the realistic verismo style, which inspired him to write his most famous masterpieces and became one of the leading exponents of the style. His most renowned works La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), and Turandot (1924), all are popular operas played in the most prestigious venues of the classical world.

Gioachino Rossini

Gioachino Rossini was an Italian composer of the 19th century. He made his debut at the age of 18 and soon became one the most popular opera composer in history. His best known operas are The Barber of Seville (Il barbiere di Siviglia), The Italian Girl in Algiers (L'italiana in Algeri), and Cinderella (La Cenerentola). In general, his style can be defined as song-like melodic which earned him the nickname of "the Italian Mozart”. Later on he became famous for his exciting buildup of orchestral sound over a repeated phrase, which is now known as a "Rossini crescendo”.

Gaetano Donizetti

Gaetano Donizetti was an Italian composer of the early 19th century. He was one of the leading composers of the bel canto opera style along with Gioachino Rossini and Vincenzo Bellini. Over the course of his career, Donizetti wrote almost 70 operas both comic and serious. His first notable success came with a serious opera, Zoraida di Granata, which was presented in 1822 in Rome. As a result, he made a major impact on the Italian and international opera scene and shifted the attention to opera seria (noble and "serious" style operas). However, his best-known works include comedies such as L'elisir d'amore (1832) and Don Pasquale (1843).

Ruggero Leoncavallo

Ruggero Leoncavallo went down in music history as the creator of the opera masterpiece "Pagliacci". Additionally he was known for representing a new artistic style verism whose followers focused on everyday subject matters instead of heroic deeds and legendary characters. He was born in Naples in 1857. When Leoncavallo was 8 he got accepted to the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory, where he studied for eight years. Besides his passion for music, he showed great interest in literature and later studied at the philological department of the University of Bologna. This knowledge helped him later to write librettos for his musical works. In 1879 he tavelled to Egypt to live with his uncle and work as a pianist and teacher at the court of the Egyptian Khedive Tewfil Pasha. However, three years later he was forced to leave the country due to the outbreak of war. He move to France, where he worked as a pianist and songwriter in cafes and music halls. In 1887 he returned to Milan and concentrated on writing operas in the new verismo style. Five years later he finally achieved long-awaited success for his opera Pagliacci. Leoncavallo himself claimed, the plot was based on a real murder trial which his father, a magistrate, reviewed in court when he was a child. It is still considered to be the best operas of the verismo genre and is still frequently performed to this day.

Eduardo Di Capua

Eduardo di Capua was an Italian composer of the late 19th century. His father was a musician and introduced him to the world of music. In fact, he travelled with his father to many European countries. During one of his journeys to the Ukraine in 1898, he composed the famous melody of "O sole mio" together with the poet Giovanni Capurro. O sole mio would become an unofficial, romantic Italian anthem. Funily enough, at the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp supposedly the conductor of the band could not find the music for the actual Italian national anthem and instead he played "O Sole Mio."

Последние отзывы наших клиентов

4.8 из 5

  • Amelia C, Spain

    мар 2024

    Excellent entertainment

  • Madina M, Italy

    ноя 2023

    I am a big Italian music fan and really enjoyed the concert! It was magnificent! Musicians are great professionals and their performances were outstanding! This event made my stay in Italy very special! Hope to come back agan in the future!

  • direyk c, France

    ноя 2019

    très belle prestation parfait pour une soirée spectacle qui complète 4 jours de découverte à Rome

  • Denis L, Canada

    мая 2019

    La proximité des chanteurs est une source de bonheur pour les spectateurs. Le ballet ajoute beaucoup à l'expérience et permet de voir une scène qui se rapproche de l'opéra. Les trois ténors et les musiciens sont excellents et développent une complicité avec les spectateurs.

  • DIANA B, Россия

    мар 2019

    Спасибо большое,замечательные голоса, мы получили огромное удовольствие от концерта. Кроме арий, артисты контактировали со зрителями. Видно было, что артисты выступали с большой отдачей. Спасибо!

  • Robert W, United Kingdom

    мар 2019

    Amazing, loved every minute. The tenors, the ballet dancers and the musicians absolutely brilliant. Definitely one to see again.

  • Tj rider M, USA

    фев 2019

    Just wonderful. Great talent in amazing setting. Will never forget it.

  • AVELINO R, Brazil

    дек 2018

    Belissimo show. Minha esposa amou. Tudo bem organizado. Evento impecável e imperdível.

  • Carlota V, España

    дек 2018

    Precioso y cautivador. Grandes tenores y grandes bailarinas. El lugar del evento, San Pablo Intramuros, un lugar mágico.

  • Alexandre C, France

    окт 2018

    Le spectacle est formidable les artistes sont tous spectaculaire. Merci beaucoup pour cet émerveillement.

  • Hector Hugo M, Argentina

    мар 2017

    Fue mi primer espectáculo de este tipo en una Iglesia en Roma. Mi esposa y yo quedamos encantados con la experiencia. Esperamos que se repita en nuestra visita a Venecia.

  • Nino T, Italia

    янв 2015

    Beautiful! A unique show. Exceptional artists and a selection of music of true Italian tradition. Perfect location! Highly recommended

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