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  • (c) EnneviFoto per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
    © EnneviFoto per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
  • (c) Gilles Alonso per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
    © Gilles Alonso per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
  • per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
    per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
  • (c) EnneviFoto per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona
    © EnneviFoto per gentile concessione Fondazione Arena di Verona

Стиффелио: Филармонический театр Вероны

Верона, Teatro Filarmonico — main

Лучшие места  2 h 30 min Подарите как гибкий подарок

Выберите билеты

$ 83

О событии

Погрузитесь в атмосферу потрясающей архитектуры веронского театра "Филармонико", чтобы насладиться концертом, который пробудит ваше понимание оперы.


  • Джузеппе Верди – Stiffelio
В программе возможны изменения


Дирижер: Леонардо Сини
Режиссура и освещение: Гай Монтован
Ассистент режиссера: Кристиано Фиораванти
Декорации и костюмы: Франческо Кальканьини
Оркестр, хор и техническая группа: Fondazione Arena di Verona

Luciano Ganci 27/10 31/10
Angelo Villari 29/10 03/11

Alessandra di Giorgio 27/10 31/10
Daniela Schillaci 29/10 03/11

Vladimir Stoyanov 27/10 29/10 31/10 03/11

Carlo Raffaelli 27/10 29/10 31/10 03/11

Gabriele Sagona 27/10 29/10 31/10 03/11

Francesco Pittari 27/10 29/10 31/10 03/11

Sara Rossini 27/10 29/10 31/10 03/11

Giuseppe Verdi

Giuseppe Verdi was an Italian opera composer. From a young age, he developed a musical education with the help of a patron and soon dominated the Italian opera. In fact by his 30s, he became one of the most influential opera composer all over the classical scene. His most famous operas are Il Trovatore, Rigoletto and La Traviata. Furthermore, he was able to establish himself as a landowner with the income from his successful operas and focus on his private life. However, he soon returned to the scene with his new popular work Aida (1871), and three masterpieces: Otello, Requiem and Falstaff.


Teatro Filarmonico, via dei Mutilati 4k , Верона, Италия — Карты Google

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