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Церковь Мадлен: Адриен Поликарп играет Шопена

Париж, Церковь Мадлен (Святой Марии Магдалины) — Main Hall

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$ 42

О событии

Чтобы провести необыкновенный вечер фортепианной классики, посетите впечатляющую парижскую церковь Мадлен и услышьте шедевры Фредерика Шопена и других авторов.


  • Фредерик Шопен – Nocturnes
  • Клод Дебюсси – Clair de Lune
  • Франц Шуберт – impromptus
  • Erik Satie – Les Gymnopédies
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Об исполнителях

солист, фортепиано: Adrien Polycarpe

Eglise de la Madeleine

The Eglise de la Madeleine is a 19th-century Roman Catholic church that commands all eyes in its lovely location between the Place de la Concorde and the Palais Garnier in Paris. The construction process stretched over 80 years, as the building's plans - and those funding it - underwent many changes. Initially intended as Napoleon's tribute to his victorious army, the Neo-Classical style, echoing that of an Ancient Roman temple, retains the immense standing columns of earlier churches on the site. Inside the Eglise de la Madeleine, one can admire beautiful Neo-Byzantine mosaics, paintings and sculptures. The Neo-Classical architecture and impressive internal decorations create a perfect atmosphere for the classical concerts that take place in the church throughout the year. A magnificent pipe organ, considered to be one of the most impressive instruments in Paris in terms of its tonal beauty, plays its own part in the La Madeleine's musical life.

Frederic Chopin

Frederic Chopin was a Polish composer and pianist of the Romantic area (early 19th century). He wrote primarily piano solos but also piano concerts, chamber pieces and songs set to Polish lyrics. He is well-known as a poetic genius without competition of his generation. In fact, he created the concept of instrumental ballade and his performances were noted for their sensitivity and fine distinction. He spent most of his life in Paris, where he performed for the intimate atmospheres of salons. For most of his life, he suffered poor health. As a result, he died quite young at the age of 39, probably of tuberculosis.


Церковь Мадлен (Святой Марии Магдалины), Place de la Madeleine, Париж, Франция — Карты Google

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