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Данг Тхай Сон: Фортепиано на Елисейских полях

Париж, Театр Елисейских полей — Main Hall

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$ 92

О событии

Данг Тхай Сон исполняет избранные произведения Дебюсси "Образы" и "Детский уголок", а также вальсы и ноктюрны Шопена, демонстрируя свое глубокое мастерство и эмоциональную игру.


  • Клод Дебюсси – Images, Books I and II
  • Клод Дебюсси – Children’s Corner
  • Фредерик Шопен – Various Waltzes and Nocturnes
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Об исполнителях

солист: Dang Thai Son

Vietnamese pianist Dang Thai Son was propelled to the forefront of the musical world in October 1980, when he was awarded the First Prize and Gold Medal at the Xth International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw. It was also the first time that a top international competition was won by an Asian pianist.

He began piano studies with his mother in Hanoi. Discovered by the Russian pianist Isaac Katz, who was on visit in Vietnam in 1974, he pursued his advanced training at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Russia with Vladimir Natanson and Dmitry Bashkirov.

Since winning the Chopin Competition, his international career has taken him to over forty countries, into such world renowned halls as Lincoln Center (New York), Barbican Center (London), Salle Pleyel (Paris), Herculessaal (Munich), Musikverein (Vienna), Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Opera House (Sydney), and Suntory Hall (Tokyo).


Театр Елисейских полей, 15, Avenue Montaigne, Париж, Франция — Карты Google

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