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Siena, Italy style= Siena, Italy


Siena is a city in Tuscany, Italy.
The historic center of Siena has been declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site. The picturesque city is an important cultural centre, especially for humanist discipline.
The second of July and the sixteenth of August are the dates in which the 'Palio' is held. The Palio is a traditional horse race which is conducted over a set course throughout the city each year. This event is attended by many tourists, and is widely televised.

События найдены для Сиена

  • Итальянская опера в Сиене

    Итальянская опера в Сиене

    Сиена, Auditorium S.Stefano alla Lizza

    + aльтернативные даты

    $ 22
  • Сиена: интимный оперный концерт и экскурсия на площади Пьяцца дель Кампо

    Сиена: интимный оперный концерт и экскурсия на площади Пьяцца дель Кампо

    Сиена, Palazzo Chigi Zondadari

    + aльтернативные даты

    1 h 30 min
    $ 93

Место найдено для Сиена

Популярные темы в Сиена