Монпелье (фр. Montpellier) — один из крупнейших городов на юге Франции, знаменитый своими художественными экспозициями и многокилометровыми пляжами с нетронутой природой. Благодаря нескольким фестивалям танца, музыки и кино Монпелье представляет собой увлекательный контрастирующий город между высоким эстетизмом южноевропейской культуры и вызывающими аспектами современного мирового искусством. Например старейшая в мире и до сих пор действующая школа медицины (основана в 1220 году, её посещали Нострадамус и Рабле) находится рядом с живописными виноградниками, оливковыми садами, а также шикарными бутиками и добавляет нотку средневековой прохлады в тепло этого гостеприимного, солнечного города на побережье Средиземного моря. А что может быть лучшим завершением мечтательного дня на пляже, чем увлекательный и утонченный концерт в одном из старинных зданий, например, в Соборе Монпелье четырнадцатого века постройки?
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Montpellier haunted places and ghost stories – city game
Explore the most frightful places in Montpellier, with their stories of restless spirits, cruel murders and menacing ghouls.Follow step‐by‐step instructions to reach the next place, solve the clue and get a creepy story.Storyline:Montpellier’s numerous statues, fountains, and architecture will lead you through the story of Euphrosyne, one of the 3 charities sitting in the centre of the city fountain.You are her assistant and detective in a quest to find her creator, who two centuries ago she fell hopelessly in love with. Alas, one day he disappeared, never to return again, leaving the poor deity in eternal sadness.Tonight the dead are awake and statues are alive. You have to unlock the clues in order for her to make the elixir, reunite with her love and finally perform The Awakening, but beware, for you’re not the only one looking for the elixir. Her beloved Etienne has a rival.During your quest you will see:Musee FabrePromenade du PeyrouCathedrale St‐PierrePlace de la CanourgueLes ArceauxBasilique Notre‐Dame‐des‐Tables
Self guided tour with interactive city game of Montpellier
Explore the city of Montpellier in a unique and affordable way. Using GPS on you phone you will find the nicest squares, streets and monuments while learning interesting facts about the city's highlights. Play a game answering questions about the locations and do search‐related assignments all on your smartphone. On this self‐guided tour you get to decide where you stop, not a 'boring' guide.During this trail you will see the Eglise St Roch, Carré Sainte Anne, Arc de Triomphe, Aqueduct, St Pierre Cathedral, Place de La Canourgue and much more.How does it work? With your booking, you will receive an e‐mail with instructions on how to play the trail on your smartphone. Once at the starting point, you begin your quest through the city, it's that easy!
e‐Scavenger hunt Montpellier: Explore the city at your own pace
Get to know Montpellier in a unique and affordable way. We offer you a self‐guided tour, via our online App. You play a fun, family‐friendly game. Answer questions about the locations and do search assignments. All on your smartphone. Log in on our free city game app and enjoy the city. Not a 'boring' guide, but you decide when to start, stop or pause. Use GPS to find the nicest squares, streets, and monuments. Get the most interesting facts about the city. Discover Montpellier with our unique city game app. Instructions for starting the tour will be given after booking. You can do this tour anytime you choose. This city game is also a perfect activity for large groups.
Small group tour of the wine châteaux in Montpellier
Take a trip back in time and discover the architectural heritage and wine culture of the Languedoc region through various tastings at two beautiful wineries located near Montpellier.You will be accompanied by a passionate guide with extensive knowledge of the region's wines and vineyards, who will answer all your questions and complete the information given to you directly by the winemakers.In the 18th century, the city's aristocrats started to build the so‐called "folies", elegant houses located in the countryside and surrounded by magnificent gardens, which were used as sumptuous summer residences by the gentry of the time.Your guide will pick you up in Montpellier and take you to two of these beautiful mansions, which are today châteaux where wine is produced. You will get to know the history of the wineries and taste a great selection of high‐quality wines.