Столица Шотландии долгое время была центром образования, литературы и науки в Европе. Особенно известен этот город Эдинбургским международным фестивалем и крупнейшим в мире ежегодным международным фестивалем искусств «Fringe». Старый город Эдинбурга внесен в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО, а многочисленные исторические и культурные достопримечательности города делают его одним из самых популярных туристических направлений в Великобритании.
События найдены для Эдинбург
Три тенора в Эдинбурге
Эдинбург, Assembly Rooms
1 h 30 min -
A Night at the Opera by Candlelight
Эдинбург, Собор Святого Эгидия (Сент-Джайлс)
+ aльтернативные даты
2 h 15 min -
Времена года Вивальди при свечах в соборе Сент-Джайлс
Эдинбург, Собор Святого Эгидия (Сент-Джайлс)
+ aльтернативные даты
1 h 30 min -
Лунная соната при свечах
Эдинбург, Собор Святого Эгидия (Сент-Джайлс)
Серия камерной музыки 'Королевская миля
Эдинбург, Собор Святого Эгидия (Сент-Джайлс)
Место найдено для Эдинбург
Собор Святого Эгидия (Сент-Джайлс)
Эдинбург, Великобритания
Кафедральный собор Святого Эгидия или просто Сент-Джайлс в Эдинбурге принадлежит Шотландской пресвитерианской церкви и находится посередине маршрута, получившего название Королевской мили.
St Mary's Cathedral
Эдинбург, Великобритания
Assembly Rooms
Эдинбург, Великобритания
Партнерское предложение
Сделайте свое пребывание еще более уникальным и запоминающимся
Забронируйте один из опытов, которые понравились и рекомендованы другими клиентами:
Chocolate tour at the Chocolatarium
This chocolate tour will take you all the way from chocolate tree to chocolate bar with lots of tasting along the way! You'll discover things you never knew about this sweet treat, make your very own bar and of course, tuck into some delicious samples. Kick off your tour with a little lesson in where chocolate comes from as you see and touch the fruit of the chocolate tree while learning all about how the beans are transformed into everyone's favourite snack. Then, it's time to try your hand at making your very own Scottish‐themed chocolate bar to take home. You can even make a chocolate Greyfriar's Bobby, a chocolate Nessie or a chocolate Edinburgh Castle as the perfect souvenir! You'll round off your tour in the tasting room where you'll sample a fascinating selection of chocolates from Scottish and international chocolate makers. There are more than 30 varieties to choose from including dark or milk chocolate, haggis or Japanese chocolate and many more!
City Sightseeing hop‐on hop‐off bus tour of Edinburgh
What better place to start your bus tour than St Andrew Square? Make your way to some of Edinburgh's finest, culture‐rich destinations.Experience the great historic marketplace, Grassmarket, located right in the middle of Edinburgh's Old Town. Hop off at stop #7 to learn all about the history of Edinburgh in the National Museum of Scotland on famous Chambers Street. Along the road, you can find John Knox House, a magnificent medieval building dating back all the way to the 15th century.These and more local gems can be seen on this City Sightseeing tour and with the audio guide available onboard, you will also get to learn more about their impressive history.Tour stops:St Andrew Square — NorthsideLothian Road — Waldorf AstoriaGrassmarketLauriston PlaceJohnstone Terrace — Edinburgh Castle, The Scottish Whiskey ExperienceLawnmarket — Gladstone's End, The Real Mary King's CloseChambers Street — National Museum of ScotlandSt Mary's Street WestCanongate — John Knox HouseRoyal Mile — Scottish Parliament, Palace of Holyrood HouseDynamic EarthRegent Road — Burns Monument
Edinburgh Ghost Bus Tour
Enjoy a theatrical sightseeing tour of Edinburgh on‐board the 75‐minute Ghost Bus, a beautifully refurbished vintage double‐decker, painted in traditional midnight black. Your creepy conductor will tell you about Edinburgh’s grave robbers, plague victims, and the ghosts that reside in the most haunted city in Europe.Explore the city's gruesome past, while admiring its most famous monuments, including Edinburgh Castle, Grassmarket, Greyfriar's Kirk, Holyrood Palace and the Royal Mile. As you traverse the Old Town and New Town, visit the sites of murders, tortures, and executions. Hear about the infamous Burke and Hare, and the hundreds of women who were drowned or burned as witches.The bus boasts decorative features that include atmospheric lamps and window curtains. In 1967, the entire fleet was destroyed in a mysterious fire, and only one bus survived. Will you?
The Edinburgh Haunted Vaults tour
Edinburgh is a city steeped in history, it's beautiful, quaint and traditional. But under this facade, deep in its belly, Edinburgh holds dark secrets, ones which will be revealed on this underground tour of the Vaults. You'll go into Edinburgh's underworld, seeing the series of vaults under the South Bridge which date back to the 1700s. Having been home to notorious criminals as well as the poorest within society, plenty of people died in the Vaults, so it's no wonder that they are said to be rife with paranormal activity. Hear about ghostly activity and maybe even experience some as you discover the most haunted part of Edinburgh. You will also visit our torture exhibition to hear about some of Edinburgh's darker past and how some of these items were used.
The Edinburgh Vaults and Graveyard Tour
The city of Edinburgh may be beautiful and quaint, but there's a far more sinister side that doesn't immediately meet the eye. You'll discover Greyfriars Graveyard, whose canine inhabitant, Bobby, watches over the infamous bodies buried within.You'll hear the stories of some of the corpses beneath your feet, from their history to the myths and legends inspired by their fascinating lives. The Old Town Vaults have an especially dark past, having been home to criminals, brothels and witches, and are alive with tales of plenty of spirits still haunting the place.Be prepared to feel chills down your spine as this tour gets under the skin of Edinburgh and takes you to the paranormal side of this historic city.