Dresden is seeking to regain the kind of cultural importance it held from the 19th century up until the 1920s when it was a centre of both fine and visual arts, architecture and music. Dresden also is home to several important art collections, world-famous musical ensembles and significant buildings from various architectural periods, many of which were rebuilt after the destruction of the Second World War.
Популярные темы в Дрезден
Дрезден Цвингер
Концерты, программа и билеты
Информация, программы и билеты
Афиша Дрездена - опера, балет, концерты
Купить билеты на концерты и оперу в Дрездене
Вокальные концерты, соло-выступления, исторические костюмы
Оперный театр Дрездена
Билеты и расписание 2019/20
Репертуар, билеты, информация