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Los Tarantos

Барселона, Испания

Barcelona's oldest 'tablao' or flamenco venue is situated on the elegant Plaça Reial, or Royal Plaza, in the heart of the city's historic Gothic quarter, just off the famous La Rambla. Opened in 1963, Los Tarantos has hosted many of flamenco's most famous names, and continues to be one of the most influential venues in the art form.

Guests can enjoy a thirty minute show performed by current and rising stars of flamenco, with numerous optional extras available — from drinks, to a tapas dinner at the nearby Expat Cafe, or even a personal taste of flamenco in the form of a Thursday evening workshop in the art!


Los Tarantos, Plaça Reial, 17, 08002 Барселона, Испания, Карты Google

События найдены для Los Tarantos

  • Лос Тарантос: Традиционное шоу фламенко в Барселоне

    Лос Тарантос: Традиционное шоу фламенко в Барселоне

    Барселона, Los Tarantos

    + aльтернативные даты

    40 min
    $ 30