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Квартет Павла Хааса и Борис Гильтбург: Дворжак и Брамс

Амстердам, Консертгебау Амстердам — Small Hall

Лучшие места  2 h 20 min Подарите как гибкий подарок

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$ 65

О событии

Два ярких произведения из репертуара для фортепиано и трех или четырех струнных инструментов в исполнении Квартета Павла Гааса и Бориса Гильтбурга. Это проверенное временем партнерство исполнит музыку Брамса и Дворжака, двух композиторов, сочетающих теплый мелодизм с народной музыкой.


  • Антонин Дворжак – selection from 'Cypresses', B 152
  • Иоганнес Брамс – Piano Quartet no. 1 in G minor, op. 25
  • Антонин Дворжак – Quintet for piano and strings n. 2 in A major op.81
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Об исполнителях

струнный квартет: Pavel Haas Quartet

Since winning the Paolo Borciani competition in Italy in Spring 2005, the Pavel Haas Quartet has performed at the world’s most prestigious concert halls, receiving great acclaim from audiences and critics alike. Based in Prague, the Quartet has studied with some of the masters of the quartet world including members of Quartetto Italiano, Quatuor Mosaiques, Borodin Quartet and Amadeus Quartet, as well as with Walter Levin (LaSalle Quartet) in Basel. The Quartet has worked particularly closely with Milan Skampa, the legendary violist of the Smetana Quartet.

Recent highlights for the Quartet include performances at Carnegie Hall, the Edinburgh International Festival, the Mariinsky Concert Hall in St. Petersburg and performances at the Louvre, Paris. The Quartet recently toured to Japan, recording a concert of Janáček and Haas for NHK television. In 2007, the Cologne Philharmonic nominated the Quartet as ECHO Rising Stars, resulting in a tour to major concert halls worldwide. The Quartet took part in the BBC New Generation Artists scheme from 2007–2009, participating in BBC studio recordings and high profile UK engagements. Their recording of Beethoven string quartets was the cover CD for the 2009 BBC Music Magazine’s Awards issue. The Pavel Haas Quartet has released two discs on the Supraphon label.

The Quartet takes its name from the Czech composer Pavel Haas (1899‐1944) who was imprisoned at Theresienstadt in 1941 and tragically died at Auschwitz three years later. His legacy includes three wonderful string quartets. As well as Haas, the Quartet is passionately committed to the Czech repertoire while their performances of Beethoven, Schubert, Haydn, Mozart, Prokofiev, Shostakovich and Ravel have also received extraordinary acclaim.

Veronika Jaruskova: Violin

Eva Karova: Violin
Pavel Nikl: Viola
Peter Jarusek: Violoncello

фортепиано: Boris Giltburg


Консертгебау Амстердам, Concertgebouwplein, 10, Амстердам, Нидерланды — Карты Google

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