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Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

Paris, France

The Eglise Saint Sulpice is the second largest church in Paris after the Notre‐Dame. It is located in the Luxembourg Quarter of the VIe arrondissement. It was originally constructed during the 13th century and mostly completed in 1732. The church has a long‐standing organ tradition which began in the 18th century. It hosts an organ built by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll added in 1862.


Eglise Saint‐Sulpice, Place Saint‐Sulpice, 75006 Paris, France, Veja no Google Maps

Eventos encontrados para Eglise Saint-Sulpice

  • Concerto Gospel na Igreja de Saint‐Sulpice

    Concerto Gospel na Igreja de Saint‐Sulpice

    Paris, Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

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    $ 28
  • O Requiem de Mozart e o Boléro de Ravel na Eglise Saint Sulpice

    O Requiem de Mozart e o Boléro de Ravel na Eglise Saint Sulpice

    Paris, Eglise Saint‐Sulpice

    + mais datas

    $ 28