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Os anos 20 dourados

Berlim, Sala de Concertos de Berlin — Kleiner Saal

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$ 40

Sobre o Evento

O conjunto Berliner Vocaphoniker presta homenagem aos grandes artistas dos anos 20 num espetáculo turbulento e multifacetado. Os dísticos e êxitos cinematográficos do repertório de Friedrich Hollaender, Marlene Dietrich, os Comedian Harmonists e outros artistas alternam com canções da Ópera dos Três Vinténs de Brecht/Weill, do tango à valsa e ao swing, há algo para todos os gostos musicais. Deixe que esta revista única o leve de volta a esta era dourada da arte do entretenimento e aguarde um programa variado com verve e temperamento.


Conjunto: Berlin Vocaphoniker

Konzerthaus Berlin

The Konzerthaus Berlin is a concert hall situated on the Gendarmenmarkt, the most beautiful square in the city. Built in 1821, the structure initially served as a theater. Severely damaged in the Second World War, it was rebuilt as a concert hall in 1977, with a neoclassical interior, and changed its name to reflect its new function in 1994. Consistently numbered among the top five concert halls in the world, the Konzerthaus hosts around 500 performances every year, ranging from symphony and chamber concerts featuring international stars to new music and children's concerts.


Sala de Concertos de Berlin, Gendarmenmarkt, Berlim, Germany — Veja no Google Maps

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