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La Bohème de Giacomo Puccini

Florença, Igreja anglicana de São Marcos — Main Hall

Plano de Assentos Free seating  1 h 45 min  E-Ticket instantâneo Dê isto como presente flexível

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$ 55

Sobre o Evento

Experimente a adorada ópera de Giacomo Puccini, La Bohème, no ambiente íntimo da Igreja Inglesa de São Marcos. Mark's English Church. Quatro cantores de ópera darão vida às personagens com acompanhamento de piano. A história dramática segue Rodolfo e Marcello, que vivem uma vida boémia em Paris, à medida que se relacionam com Mimi e Musetta. Cada ato será introduzido com um resumo do enredo para uma compreensão mais profunda da ópera.

Informações Práticas

Every act in opera will be explained in English.


  • Giacomo Puccini – La Bohème – La Bohème, Scenes of Henri Murger's »La vie de Bohème« in four acts
O programa está sujeito a alterações

St Mark's Anglican Church

Saint Mark's Anglican Church was established in 1881, constructed within a Neo-Renaissance Medici Palace once owned by Machiavelli. Rather austere in its exterior appearance, the church delights the eye with its rich interior. Ornate Venetian lamps and brass decorations hang from the archway before the grand white marble altar. Today, the church is an indispensable part of Florence’s cultural life, and a fitting tribute to Italy's national appreciation of arts and culture. It houses an opera company that regularly stages highly popular performances within the church. To see opera and listen to classical music in this church is a unique experience, as its stucture allows the viewers to sit close to the artists, and enjoy the magical atmosphere almost as if they were part of the show.

Giacomo Puccini

Giacomo Puccini was an Italian opera composer of the late 19th century. He was considered one of the greatest composers of the Italian Opera, second only to Verdi. His early works were characterised by features of the traditional 19th century romantic Italian opera. Later, his style developed into the realistic verismo style, which inspired him to write his most famous masterpieces and became one of the leading exponents of the style. His most renowned works La bohème (1896), Tosca (1900), Madama Butterfly (1904), and Turandot (1924), all are popular operas played in the most prestigious venues of the classical world.

Comentários de Clientes

4.8 Suporte 5

  • Daan W, Netherlands

    mar 2019

    Best part of our trip to Florence. Very nice location, amazing Intimacy, even more brilliant performance. I want to go again!

  • Judith W, USA

    mar 2019

    Splendid performance in an intimate setting. Truly top rate opera and a particularly excellent pianist.

  • LUIS M, Portugal

    mar 2019

    Gli italiani hanno dovuto imparare da questi inglesi come La Boheme è stata rappresentata nella versione camerale. Un grande applauso per questa produzione. Luis, Portogallo

  • Hector Stanislaw d, Mexico

    fev 2019

    Great singers, the St. Mark's Opera Company is another Firenze's treasure. If you're planning traveling to Florence, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy this performances.

  • Debra K, Australia

    nov 2018

    I would highly recommend anyone seeing a performance. Fantastic singing and a very entertaining show.

  • Sarah B.,

    nov 2012

    excellent, the singing was fantastic and a great setting.

  • mario g.,

    nov 2012


  • Sloane E.,

    out 2012

    the quaintness of the setting was impeccable! you could see the actors emotions so vividly! i loved every second!

  • Michael V., Australia

    jul 2012

    Music and venue were both good

  • Tim N., Australia

    jun 2012

    My family and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The production was introduced and explained well so tha our children could understand the story. The hosts were excellent.

  • Katherine D., France

    jun 2012

    I enjoyed every minute!

  • Thomas L., United States

    jun 2012

    We live in Carlsbad, California. We were on vacation in Italy. We enjoyed the opera greatly, however we have no plans to return to Italy soon.

  • Claudia S., France

    mai 2012

    Bon accueil, sièges réservés et marqués à nos noms. Chaque acte de l'opéra présenté en détail et avec des notes d'humour. Artistes lyriques performants. Un peu près étant donné le peu d'espace entre la scène et les spectateurs. Soirée très agréable dans le cadre de cette jolie église.

  • Hubert B., Netherlands

    abr 2012

    a delightful evening, with wit, inventiveness and well performed, lovely, music

  • Ron M., United Kingdom

    fev 2012

    A lovely and unusual experience. A real treat for Valentines Day

  • Marylyn H., United Kingdom

    nov 2011

    Excellent performers; attractive venue.

  • Jean N., Belgium

    set 2011

    It was very nice

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Igreja anglicana de São Marcos, Via Maggio 18, Florença, Italy — Veja no Google Maps

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