Chamber Music
If you can fit all the performers (with their instruments) into a relatively small space, then you are listening to chamber music. Although chamber music is now frequently presented on a large stage in a full‐sized concert hall, most chamber music was originally intended for more intimate spaces, beginning with the palace chambers that gave the art form its name. Chamber music can be a single vocalist‐pianist duo, a string quartet, a wind octet, or a chamber orchestra. The potential combinations are practically boundless. By putting only one musician on each instrument type, chamber music gives the artists more flexibility to communicate with one another and, of course, with the grateful audience.
Eventos encontrados para Chamber Music
- Recomendado
Ideia de presente — grandes sonatas no Elphi com Elsa Grether e Mathias Weber no piano de cauda de Cesar Franck
Hamburgo, Elbphilharmonie
As Quatro Estações de Vivaldi na Igreja de St. Giles
Praga, Baroque Refectory of the Dominican Convent of St. Giles (Kostel svatého Jiljí)
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1 h 5 min -
Quarteto Borodin: Brahms e Tchaikovsky (Parte 2)
Amesterdam, Sala de concertos (Concertgebouw)
1 h 45 min -
Shepherd on The Rock à luz de velas [Série de Música de Câmara Strand]
Londres, Igreja de St Mary Le Strand
Luis de Arquer: Piano Solo em Barcelona
Barcelona, El Teatre més Petit del Món
Música de Câmara no Gewandhaus Leipzig
Leipzig, Gewandhaus de Leipzig
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Concertos de domingo no Conway Hall: Trio Isimsiz
Londres, Conway Hall
2 h -
Trio Fortuny
Barcelona, Palau de la Música Catalana
Konzerthaus Berlim: Quarteto Maxwell
Berlim, Sala de Concertos de Berlin
Estrelas em ascensão: Quatuor Agate
Amesterdam, Sala de concertos (Concertgebouw)
1 h 15 min