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Clássico na cripta: Johann Sebastian Bach — Variações Goldberg

Viena, Igreja de São Pedro — Krypta

Free seating  1 h 10 min  E-Ticket instantâneo Dê isto como presente flexível

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$ 39

Sobre o Evento

Mergulhe no mundo encantador da música para piano na Peterskirche em Viena, onde o génio de Johann Sebastian Bach ganha vida numa atuação hipnotizante. Explore a profunda beleza das Variações Goldberg de Bach no ambiente íntimo e histórico da cripta da Igreja de São Pedro, que realça a obra‐prima com uma acústica excecional.

As Variações Goldberg, consideradas o epítome da arte de variação barroca, são magistralmente tocadas por Stefan Donner com brilhantismo técnico, profundidade emocional e precisão. Experimente uma atuação fascinante que mostra o fascínio hipnótico da composição de Bach de uma forma verdadeiramente especial.

Klassik in der Krypta proporciona experiências de concerto sem paralelo da mais alta qualidade. Sendo o teatro de ópera e concerto mais pequeno da Áustria, os espectáculos no KRYPTA cativam o público com a sua intensidade, excelência e acústica distinta.

Informações Práticas

A cripta é agradavelmente temperada em qualquer altura do ano.


  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Goldberg Variations, BWV 988
O programa está sujeito a alterações


Piano: Stefan Donner


The Peterskirche (St Peter’s Church) is the second-oldest church in Vienna, founded around 800AD, if legend is to be believed. The present church was built in 1732 in the Baroque style, with Vienna's first baroque dome. Inspired by St Peter's Basilica in Rome, the interior is adorned with frescoes, sculptures, golden altarpieces and carved wood. Peterskirche is one of Vienna's busiest classical music venues, featuring a diverse program that includes daily organ concerts, operas, choral concerts and performances by prominent local and international artists. In addition to performances in the elegant main sanctuary, the Peterskirche also hosts concerts in the fascinating and intimate crypt below ground level.

Johann Sebastian Bach

The name Bach and the word musician had long been synonyms in Germany as the world saw 56 musicians from this kin. But it was Johann Sebastian Bach, a genius composer and virtuoso organ player, who shed lustre on his family name. He was born on th 31st of March 1685 in Eisenach, a small town in Thuringia. At the age of 10 he became an orphan and was brought up by his elder brother Johann Christoph, who was an organist in a neighbouring town. His brother was the one to teach music to the young Johann Sebastian. Later he moved to Luneburg where he attended a church school and mastered the techniques of playing violin, viola, piano and organ by the age of 17. Besides that, Bach was a choir singer and later after his voice broke he became a chanter’s assistant. In 1703 Bach was hired as a court musician in the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III. He earned such a good reputation there that he was later invited to Arnstadt to be an organist at the New Church, where he wrote his best organ works. In 1723 he moved to Leipzig to be a chantor at St. Thomas Church where he stayed until his death of a stroke in 1750. In the year of his death he had undergone unsuccessful eye surgery which lead him to lose his eyesight. During that strenuous time his second wife Anna Magdalena helped him to write his last musical pieces. Bach’s artistic legacy is vast. He created compositions in all genres of the time: oratorias, cantatas, masses, motets, music for organ, piano and violin.


Igreja de São Pedro, Petersplatz, Viena, Austria — Veja no Google Maps

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