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Shows no Ziegelpark Mildenberg

Zehdenick, Ziegeleipark Mildenberg — Ringofen II

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Preço Total
$ 47

Sobre o Evento

Aventure‐se além do habitual em Berlim e experimente uma fuga melodiosa no Ziegelpark Mildenberg.

Artistas emergentes e artistas renomados apresentam obras‐primas da música clássica.


  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Cembalokonzert KV 107 Nr. 1
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Divertimento KV 138
  • Antonio Vivaldi – Die vier Jahreszeiten
O programa está sujeito a alterações


Orquestra, Conjunto: Mozartensemble Berlin

The 'Mozartensemble Berlin‐Brandenburg' has continuously developed into a top ensemble in recent years. Over the past four years, it has distinguished itself above all at concerts in Berlin and Bavarian palaces. Highlights were performances at the festival in Schönbrunn in Vienna in 1999, at the Rococo Theatre Schwetzingen in 2000 and 2001 as well as at the Royal Palace Herrenchiemsee in 2000,- 2006. The ensemble performed the 'Brandenburg Concerts' very successfully at the Allerheiligenhofkirche of the Residenz in Munich during the Classical Days 2004, 2005 and 2006. It is the home ensemble of the 'Klassiktage Berliner Schlösser' and the 'Klassiktage München'. This year the ensemble performed for the first time at the Salzburg Schlosskonzerte and was spontaneously invited back to Salzburg for 10 concerts in 2007. The ensemble has all 24 Mozart quartets and the master's 6 string quintets firmly in its repertoire, as well as the 'Brandenburg Concertos' by Johann Sebastian Bach and Mozart's great concert divertimenti.

Solista, Cravo: Yuko Tomeda

Yuko Tomeda was born in Tokyo to a family of musicians. She received her first piano lessons from her mother and later from professors Aiko Iguchi and Kazuko Sumi. She attended the Musikgymnasium of the Musikhochschule Tokyo and continued her education in 1982 at the Universität der Künste Berlin with Professor Erich Andreas and György Sebök. During her studies she worked at the HdK as an assistant in the field of chamber music. From 1988 she completed her additional studies for the concert exam, which she completed with distinction. She has won prizes in various competitions, including the first gold medal at the international 'Maria‐Canals' competition in Barcelona. Concerts take her to Italy, Spain, Austria and Japan. She also performed several times in the Philharmonie of Berlin, her new adopted home. She is also a sought‐after chamber music partner.

Violino: Junko Fukabori


Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Ziegelei 10, Zehdenick, Germany — Veja no Google Maps

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