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Viena, Austria

The Kapuzinerkirche was donated by Empress Anna in 1617, and a tomb was commissioned as a burial place for her and her husband.
The Vienna Kapuzinerkloster is closely linked to Austrian and European history. The Capuchins were the confessors of the imperial dynasty and are still the 'guardians' of the Capuchin tomb, where numerous empresses and emperors were buried. The world‐famous burial place of the Habsburgs is visited annually by about 200,000 interested people.

The church, built from 1622, contains the tomb of Blessed Mark of Aviano. In the 17th century, the Capuchin priest was significantly involved in the liberation of Vienna during the Turkish siege.


Kapuzinerkirche, Tegethoffstrasse 2, 1010 Viena, Austria, Veja no Google Maps

Eventos encontrados para Kapuzinerkirche

  • Concertos de A Little Night Music na Igreja dos Capuchinhos

    Concertos de A Little Night Music na Igreja dos Capuchinhos

    Viena, Kapuzinerkirche

    + mais datas

    1 h
    $ 28