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Castle Schleissheim, © Photo: Karsten Juhl/Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung style= Castle Schleissheim, © Photo: Karsten Juhl/Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung

Schloss Schleißheim

Munique, Germany

The new Schloss Schleißheim, situated in the northern edge of Munich, is a jewel of baroque architecture. Due to its outstanding acoustics the large hall is suitable particularly for classical concerts.


Schloss Schleißheim, Max‐Emanuel‐Platz 1, Oberschleißheim, 85764 Munique, Germany, Veja no Google Maps

Eventos encontrados para Schloss Schleißheim

  • Concertos Festivos: Palácio Schleißheim

    Concertos Festivos: Palácio Schleißheim

    Munique, Schloss Schleißheim

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    $ 52