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Freiberg's Dom St. Marien, © Freiberg Tourismus style= Freiberg's Dom St. Marien, © Freiberg Tourismus

Freiberg's Dom St. Marien

Freiberg, Germany

The St Mary’s Cathedral (Dom St. Marien) with its great art treasures is considered a landmark of the city of Freiberg and annually attracts many visitors from all over the world. Constructed as St Mary’s Church towards the end of the 12th century , it was named cathedral by Pope Sixtus IV. Between 1710 and 1714 Gottfried Silbermann constructed an organ with 44 stops. It was his first great organ in Germany and still is the biggest instrument he has built without any assistance.


Freiberg's Dom St. Marien, Untermarkt 1, 09599 Freiberg, Germany, Veja no Google Maps

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    Freiberg, Freiberg's Dom St. Marien

    $ 35