Esta união orgulhosa e única de duas grandes cidades sobre um rio deslumbrantemente claro está entre os muitos tesouros mais significativos da Europa Oriental. Famosa na literatura ao longo dos séculos, Budapeste recebeu muitos compositores húngaros brilhantes - Bartók, Ligeti e Kurtág, para citar alguns - durante os seus estudos na grande academia de música chamada Franz (Ferenc) Liszt. Com literalmente dezenas de teatros, Budapeste apresenta uma impressionante variedade de entretenimento cultural todos os dias e à noite. Seria impensável experimentar Budapeste sem tratar a alma e os sentidos a um concerto de música klezmer, clássica ou popular - seja num palácio luminoso, num teatro futurista ou numa das mais belas casas de ópera do mundo.
Eventos encontrados para Budapeste
Ave Maria, Air & Alleluja: Igreja de São Miguel
Budapeste, St. Michael’s Church
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Zimmermann / Liszt / Mahler
Budapeste, Müpa Budapest
Cruzeiro no Danúbio com jantar de 4 pratos e espetáculo de piano
Budapeste, Budapest River Cruises, Dock 11
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Cruzeiro pelo Danúbio com jantar de 4 pratos e show de folclore e opereta
Budapeste, Budapest River Cruises, Dock 11
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Local encontrado para Budapeste
Basílica de São Estevão
Budapeste, Hungary
Saint Stephen's Basilica (V. Szent István tér): Budapest's largest church, whose landmark dome can be seen from all over the city, was built in Classical style between 1851 and 1905.
Müpa Budapest
Budapeste, Hungary
The Palace of the Arts — with its Béla Bartók National Concert Hall and Festival Theatre Hall — was built to represent more than a hundred years of Hungarian cultural history.
Igreja de Matias (Matyas Templon)
Budapeste, Hungary
The richly decorated interior of the Matthias Church offers a popular setting for classical concerts.
St. Michael’s Church
Budapeste, Hungary
Franz Liszt Academy of Music
Budapeste, Hungary
Tópicos populares em Budapeste
Concertos em Budapeste
Encontre tickets para concertos em Budapeste
Música clássica e folclórica no Danúbio
Concertos de Ano Novo em Budapeste
Viva a véspera de Ano Novo em Budapeste
Desfrute de concertos festivos
Concertos de Natal e Ano Novo em Budapeste
Encontre shows e ingressos
Música clássica no Danúbio
Concertos clássicos em Budapeste
Programação e ingressos
Informações, programação e ingressos
Concertos em igrejas de Budapeste
Programações e ingressos
Informações, programas e ingressos
Oferta de parceiros
Torne a sua estadia ainda mais única e memorável
Reserve uma das experiências que outros clientes têm gostado e recomendado:
A Journey through Jewish Budapest with a Historian
Experience the highs and lows of over 1000 years Jewish culture in Budapest on this walking tour. You'll be able to see the remains of a Medieval Jewish community which existed during the Árpád dynasty between the 10th and 14th centuries. The tolerant rulers allowed a settlement to flourish beside Buda Castle Hill. However, Jews were not allowed to buy property in Pest or Buda for centuries. As a result they built up their society in nearby Óbuda (known as Altofen in German), another stop on your tour. Here you'll be able to visit the classicist synagogue, a symbol the flourish Jewish community of the 1800's. It is also possible to see the hidden Frankel Leó Road Synagogue built a few decades later.The tour will move on to Lipótváros and Dohány Street. Lipótváros became a financial powerhouse for the area, thanks to the emancipation of Hungary's Jews in 1868. The Dohány Synagogue, which inspired the Central Synagogue of Manhattan, demonstrates the wealth of the Jewish upperclass bourgeoisie of this period. Nearby you can visit the New York Café, a once lively hub for Hungarian writers and artists.You'll move on to a lesser known area of Budapest, where the majority of Budapest's Jewish population lived as lower class citizens. A large amount of Eastern Jewish refugees created less‐luxurious quarters, but also allowed for small Hasidic shtibls and Sephardicrite prayer houses to be built near the market where salesmen worked after various wars. The large population that existed here has declined, but you can still feel the sense of community today.Despite the long history of wealth and tolerance, Hungary's Jews suffered under a Soviet siege, the Nazi and Hungarian Arrow Cross mass killings, and the coldest winter of the war. Two of Budapest's ghettos, XIII and VII districts, still stand today as witnesses to these brutal events. You'll be able to see the tragedies of this period, but also the beautiful neighborhood of Újlipótváros to learn more about the Jewish upper middle class from the more peaceful interwar and postwar periods. At the end of the tour, if you wish, you can visit the Kozma Street Jewish cemetery to see one of the most informative places about Budapest Jewry than any other building or memorial in the city.
Budapest Danube river cruise
Discover why Budapest is called the Pearl of the Danube on a 2‐hour cruise.Cruise beneath 6 bridges of Budapest and enjoy sights including the mighty House of Parliament, the Chain Bridge, the Buda Castle, the Fisherman’s Bastion up on the Hill of Buda and the Gellért mountain crowned by the majestic Citadella.Head up to the open balconies of the boat to experience views of Budapest by the riverbank. Purchase a drink from the bar, sip and relax while you are amazed by this beautiful city.